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Information on how to subscribe or unsubscribe is at the end of this issue. (c) Copyright 2003 by Software Research, Inc. ======================================================================== Contents of This Issue o A Guided Tour of QWE2002 o Use Your Resources, by Danny Faught o eValid FREE Website HealthCheck Offer o SQRL Report Available: Documenting Requirements o Annals of Software Engineering: Call for Contributions o Trustworthy Computing, by Bill Gates (with caveats) o CONQUEST 2002 Call for Participation o QTN Article Submittal, Subscription Information ======================================================================== A Guided Tour of QWE2002 <> QWE2002's complete technical program and schedule of events in on the Conference WebSite. This item summarizes the technical content of the Tutorials, Keynotes, and Papers being presented at the QWE2002 Conference. Complete QWE2002 Conference Details including registration information at: <> TUTORIALS QWE2002's full-day and half-day address the most important issues and questions facing the world software and internet community. To begin with, there is the issue of WebSite Quality. First, get inspiration from "RobSab" in his "Getting Started - Stressing Web Applications, Stress Early - Stress Often," by Mr. Robert Sabourin [, Canada] and follow that up with a new- technology approach (based in the browser) "Web Testing - A Practical Approach," by Dr. Edward Miller [eValid, Inc., USA]. If you are into XP ideas, you'll love hearing "Just In Time Testing - Testing Turbulent Web Based Applications," by Mr. Robert Sabourin [, Canada]. Finally, to summarize it all, we have "Web Testing Master Class," by Dr. G. Bazzana and Mrs. Ioana Ene [Onion, Italy]. Next, we have concerns about software process. Thinking and action are the keys. Consider attending "Think Green! Think Different! Think Modular! (The LEGO Principle)," by Mr. Olivier Denoo [ps_testware, Belgium] or "Managing the Testing Process - Organization, Motivation, and Techniques," by Mr. Rex Black [RBCS, Inc., USA]. And, for a somewhat more formalized approach, don't miss "Stepwise Improvement of the Test Process using TPI," by Mr. Martin Pol [Polteq, Netherlands] & [Mr. Ruud Teunissen [Gitek nv, Belgium]. Newer technology can make a real difference. Here are four major technological expositions that you won't want to miss. "Writing Good Requirements," by Mr. Erik Simmons [Inter Corporation, USA], "Model-Based Testing," by Mr. Ibrahim K. El-Far [Florida Institute of Technology, USA], "Guided Inspection of UML Models," by Dr. John McGregor [Luminary Software, USA], and, "Software Measurement: The Goal/Question/Metric Method," by Dr. Rini vanSolingen [CMG, Netherlands]. Lastly, and certainly not least by any means, is the significant impact you gain from systematic testing. Hear an inspiring talk by experienced veterans "Emotional Intelligence as the Key to Software Testing," by Mr. Jens Pas [I2B, Belgium], and "Structured Testing," by Mr. Martin Pol [Polteq, Netherlands] & [Mr. Ruud Teunissen [Gitek nv, Belgium]. Measure you own level of expertise with " Introduction to the Test Maturity Model," by Dr. Erik P. vanVeenendaal [Improve Quality Services BV, Netherlands], and impose the best possible process with "Introduction to Defect Analysis," by Mr. Otto Vinter [Software Engineering Mentor, Denmark]. KEYNOTE TALKS The QWE2002 Theme, "Internet Now!" is intended to focus our attention on the main issues of the day. And the keynote talks do just that. Representing the future are "Building the Infrastructure for The Future," by Mr. Rik Nuytten [Cisco Systems, Belgium], "Creating Quality Web Systems," by Mr. Robert A. Sabourin [, Canada], and "Organizing for High Tech Innovation," by Prof. Koenraad Debackere [KUL, Belgium]. An dealing with squeezing the absolute most out of current technology and experience are: "Power Testing Mr. Bob Bartlett," by Mr. Bob Bartlett [SIM Group, UK], "Independent Verification and Validation Implementation at NASA ," by Dr. Linda Rosenberg [GSFC NASA, USA], and "From Requirements to Release Criteria," by Mr. Erik Simmons [Intel Corporation, USA]. TECHNOLOGY TRACK Software testing -- with the same basic methods applied to websites -- remains a mainstay. Hear about new advances in "How to Use Scientific Methods In Software Testing," by Mr. Anders Claesson [Enea Realtime AB, Sweden] and "Choosing an Appropriate Software Testing Method," by Mr. Ibrahim K. El-Far, Ms. Florence E. Mottay, Mr. Herbert H. Thompson & Mr. Nikhil Nilakantan [Florida Institute of Technology, USA]. And, a new twist, here is work on handling a geographically dispersed project: "Virtual Test Management- Rapid Testing Over Multiple Time Zone," by Mr. Jim Bampos [Lionbridge, USA] & Mr. Eric Patel [Nokia, USA]. But the impact of the Internet (remember the theme, Internet Now!, is clear in these to technology talks: "Automated Functional Testing of Web-Based Applications," by Mr. Oliver Niese, Dr. Tiziana Margaria & Prof. Bernhard Steffen [METAFrame Technologies GmbH, Germany], and, "InBrowser WebSite Testing- The Client-Side Approach," by Mr. Tobias Mayer [eValid, Inc., USA]. New tool technology always contributes to simplifying work and enhancing the quality of life for software testers. Don't miss these talks that deal with new and novel approaches: "Tool Support for Model Based Statistical Testing," by Dr. Stacy Prowell [The University of Tennessee, USA], "State-of-the Art Information on Petri Nets Applied to Software Quality," by Dr. Mihaela Barreau, Dr. Jean-Yves Morel & Dr. Alexis Todoskoff [University of Angers, France], "Traceability and Reproducibility in Integrated System Test Environments," by Dr. Nancy Eickelmann & Mr. Allan Willey [Motorola Labs, USA], and, "Validating Quality Requirements of Object Oriented Design," by Mr. Jamal Said & Mr. Eric Steegmans [Department of Computer Science, K.U. Leuven, Belgium]. Experience may be the best teacher -- and if we don't learn from the past...well, everyone knows the rest of that one. Here are four super examples of how to be the most from the past: "A Tool for the Design & Analysis of Software Safety-Critical Systems," by Ms. Janet A. Gill & Dr. Frederick Ferguson [NAVAIR, Software Safety-Critical Systems, Inc., USA], "Systematic Validation of an Interlocking System," by Ms. Begona Laibarra [SQS SA, Spain] & Mr. Francisco Vega [Alcatel SEL, Spain], and, "Improving Component Quality Through the Systematic Combination of Construction and Analysis," by Dr. Christian Bunse & Dr. Oliver Laitenberger [Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, Germany]. APPLICATIONS TRACK It's not all for naught! Yes, there really are success stories. For example, "QA Success Story for Embedded Systems in Real Time Control Systems," by Mr. Jon Maurolagoitia [SQS S.A., Spain], and, "Experience in Testing Pocket PC Applications," by Mr. Ibrahim K. El-Far, Ms. Florence E. Mottay & Mr. Herbert H. Thompson [Florida Institute of Technology, USA]. And, new technology does have a role, as these two presentations point out: "Testing of CORBA Products," by Ms. Mang Li, Mr. Axel Rennoch, Dr. Ina Schieferdecker & Ms.Dorota Witaszek [GMD FOKUS, Germany], and, "The AGEDIS Software Test Technology Project," by Mr. Bernd Mattern [imbus AG, Germany]. How you "play the game" is important to getting good results. Take a look at these experience-based presentations: "Metrics-Cockpit Means of 'Viewing' the Project," by Mr. Sridhar Narayanan [Cognizant Technology Solutions, USA] , "Performance Testing - "Step On It"," by Ms. Nadine Pelicaen [ps_testware, Belgium], and, "The Importance of Data in Functional Testing," by Mr. James Lyndsay [Workroom Productions, Germany]. Knowing how to get the best out of long-tried technologies is also key, as these papers make clear: "Configuration Management in a Test Centre," by Mr. Kie Liang Tan [CMG, Netherlands], "Structuring Your Tests in a Component Based Environment," by Mr. Chris C. Schotanus [CMG, Netherlands], and, "Product Triage - A Medical Approach to Predicting and Monitoring Product," by Mr. Erik Simmons [Intel Corporation, USA]. But there is always room for improvement. Her are two papers that focus on how to bring new methods "on stream": "Testing Challenges of Incremental Component Based Development," by Mr. Leo VanDerAalst [Gitek nv, Belgium], and, "Steps to Bring the V-Model Into Real Life - A Case Study," by Dr. Rainer Stetter [ITQ GmbH & Software Factory GmbH, Germany]. INTERNET TRACK The Internet is here to stay and quality concerns are growing in importance every day. How does WebSite development differ from "conventional" software development? Here are three takes on where the answers lie: "Web Development - A New Quality Paradigm," by Prof. Antonio de Amescua [Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain] & Mr. Guillermo Pastor [INAD, Spain], "Testing Inside and Outside the Firewall," by Mr. Michael Avni [Mercury Interactive, UK], and, "A Requirements-Based Approach to Delivering E-Business and Enterprise Applications," by Mr. Scott Jefferies [Starbase Corporation, USA]. If you are concerned about quality, you have to know about the thing you concerned about. Here are three presentations that dig deep into critical WebSite issues: "Practical Experiences in Bug Cluster Management," by Mr. Kim Davis [My Virtual Model, Inc., Canada] & Mr. Robert Sabourin [, Canada], "Innovative WebSite Mapping Tool," by Dr. Edward Miller [eValid, Inc., USA], and, "Providing Automated Support for Web Metrics," by Ms. Julia Gonzalez, Mr. Guillermo Lafuente, Mr. Luis Olsina, & Mr. Oscar Pastor [Extremadura University, Spain] Everyone knows that click-away happens if the user is bored -- or has to wait more than 8.0 seconds. So performance is an issue. Here are three presentations that deal with Internet performance testing: "Performance Testing Applications In Internet Time," by Ms. Nancy Landau [Alltel Technology Services, USA], "Challenges of Automating Performance Tests for New Internet Technologies," by Mr. Raymond Rivest [Computer Research Institute of Montreal, Canada], and, "Deployment of Globalised Wireless Internet Applications," by Mr. Paul McBride [VeriTest, Ireland]. Overall, though, we have to reflect Internet realities into process, and that is what these presentations do: "Vulnerabilities and Developing for the Net," by Mr. Robert A. Martin [The MITRE Corporation, USA], "Checklist for Web Site Quality Assurance," by Dr. Klaus Quibeldey-Cirkel [TLC GmbH, Germany], and, "Multifaceted Internet Application Quality Validation Methodology," by Mr. Simon J. Hardiman [SQS S.A., Spain]. MANAGEMENT TRACK Risk is everywhere, so why not exploit risk factors up front? Indeed, why not?, as these fine presentations imply: "Risk Based Test Strategy," by Mr. Rob Baarda [IQUIP Informatica BV, Netherlands], and, "A Risk Based Testing Process," by Mr. Anders Claesson [Enea Realtime AB, Sweden]. Everything is in the details, and that's no less so that for test process steps. Here are talks by experienced experts who know where they have been, and will help you learn how to get there too -- process-wise: "Test Process Improvement - Theory and Practice," by Mr. Stale Amland [Amland Consulting, Norway] & Mr. Martin Pol [Polteq IT Services B.V., Netherlands], "The Art of Managing Fixed Price Test Project," by Mr. Ruud Teunissen [Gitek nv, Belgium], "Quality Starts by Defining Goals," by Dr. Robert Darimont, Ms. Emmanuelle Delor & Mr. Andre Rifaut [CEDITI, Belgium], "Quality Radar - Getting Grip on Customer Expectations," by Mr. Ton Dekkers & Mr. Mario Van Os [IQUIP Informatica BV, Netherlands], and, "Survival Guide for Applying a Software Development Process," by Mr. Bernd Eberhardt [Rational Software, Germany]. Closing the loop has the potential to fine-tune the control you can exercise in a test process. Here are ways to use current and past data to improve current and future performance: "Improving the Software Estimation Process," by Mr. Geir Kjetil Hanssen, Mr. Hans Westerheim [SINTEF, Norway] & Mr. Tor Stalhane [NTNU, Norway], "Process Management Maturity," by Mr. Dean Hanley [Computer Associates, USA], "Using SPICE as an Internal Software Engineering Process Improvement Tool," by Mr. Michael J. Hillelsohn [Software Performance Systems, USA], "Information Systems as an Instrument for Quality Programs," by Mr. Jose M. Xexeo, Dr. Ana Regina, Mr. Alvaro Alves, & Dr. Jose Blaschek [COPPE/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil], and, "Variable Test Strategy - Learn To Only Do What You Need To Do," by Mr. Geert Pinxten & Mr. Jens Pas [I2B, Belgium]. Complete details at: <> ======================================================================== Use Your Resources By Danny FaughtI recently attended Weinberg & Weinberg's Problem-Solving Leadership workshop (PSL). A major feature of the workshop is the fact that it's an "experiential" training experience. Not a single PowerPoint slide in 5 1/2 days of training; it was learning by doing. It was a wonderful experience. While this sort of training is fairly rare in the computer field, I was reminded of many experiential leadership training sessions I participated in as a Boy Scout. One of them was called "Brownsea Double-Two." Named after the original Scout camp set up by the founder of the Boy Scout movement, Brownsea was a week-long course conducted at the local Scout camp facilities. It was residential like PSL, in that we all were staying in the same area. This allowed the training to continue into the evenings. Plus, at Brownsea, we were responsible for taking care of all of life's necessities, so if we had a leadership breakdown, it might mean that we didn't get to eat! It was full immersion. I'm still absorbing all the different learnings that I took away from PSL. But I want to share one thing about Brownsea Double-Two. The one thing I remember most, that was drilled into my head repeatedly through the week, was the phrase "Use your resources." According to the Random House Webster's College Dictionary, a resource is "a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed." Resources might mean material resources, people resources, or information resources. When we think outside the "box" where we usually look for resources, we might find more effective ways to do our jobs. I may have to think outside my self-imposed resource box to find all the material resources that are available. On a recent project, I managed to obtain some equipment I needed that was sitting idle in a coworker's office. I also was able to obtain an underutilized computer to use as a testing platform. I often find people going without material resources they need, simply because they assume that they aren't allowed to ask for them. At Brownsea, we were trying to earn a prize by improving our campsite. We were in the Texas badlands, where rocks were plentiful. We normally didn't think of the rocks unless we stubbed a toe on one or bent yet another tent stake on the bedrock. But someone in my patrol got the bright idea to line the paths through our campsite with the rocks. It looked great when we finished, and we earned a large brightly colored feather to hang from our patrol flag. We also found out what happens when we abuse our resources. We left the campsite with the campfire still burning, and for that mistake, we earned a drab turkey feather. If only all of our mistakes in the workplace had such benign consequences! As leaders, we have to be very aware of our people resources. We should learn all the ways that our managers can help us, and we need to be sure to ask for their help when needed. We also have to enable the people on our teams to contribute using all of their skills. On a project I'm leading now, I've been a bit overloaded lately. So I've made a concerted effort to delegate some tasks so that I don't become a bottleneck slowing down the team. I also got creative in soliciting help with the quality process from people outside of the SQA team. At Brownsea, I learned about people resources when I was put in charge of organizing a campfire program. If you're not familiar with a Boy Scout campfire program, think of it as a variety show, with all of the audience contributing in various ways. I called upon all of the patrols in the camp to contribute, and I made sure that I didn't get tied up with creating the content myself. If I had gotten too worried about the content, I would have neglected the opportunities for other people to pitch in with their unique talents. I was very nervous before we started, but it turned out great, and we all felt a shared ownership of the result. Information resources have been my specialty in the software quality field for quite some time. I make sure I know what books and periodicals can help, what web sites could provide additional information, and what training courses and conferences can enlighten me. At Brownsea, we had course materials to refer to, as well as manuals such as the Boy Scout Handbook and the Field Guide. We also had staff members who could answer questions. Information resources are really just an extension of material resources (things that give us information) and people resources (people who give us information). Perhaps this article was just an excuse for me to tell old Boy Scout stories. But hopefully it will get you thinking about the resources that you have available to you. The most useful resources may not be the ones that you traditionally look for, and they might not even come in the form that you usually expect to see them in. Make sure you're using all the information, materials, and human resources that are available to you. Have I missed any big categories of resources? If I have, please let me know. After all, my readers are a great resource for me! (c) Copyright 2001, Danny R. Faught Danny Faught is an independent software quality consultant and proprietor of Tejas Software Consulting <>. ======================================================================== eValid FREE WebSite HealthCheck Offer <> Do you know how healthy your WebSite really is? Does it have any broken links? Any slow-loading pages? Are your WebSite pages optimized to provide for the fastest download performance? The eValid WebSite test engine provides a very wide variety of tests and analyses that help you keep your WebSite healthy. FREE eValid WebSite HealthCheck We are now offering on a limited basis a FREE eValid WebSite HealthCheck that includes a sample of key eValid reports: unavailable links analysis, detailed page timing report, slow- loading pages report, and detailed SiteMap. The FREE eValid WebSite HealthCheck gives you an analysis of part of your WebSite in automatically generated eValid reports that address such critical quality areas as: > An Unavailable Links Report using the LinkCheck feature of eValid's Site Analysis engine. It shows you client-side availability failures that you can't detect from the server side. > A Slow-Loading Pages Report that identifies, among all pages downloaded, every page that takes longer than 2 seconds to download (using a fast DSL connection). > A Detailed Page Download Timing Chart, produced for one of your WebSite pages, so you can see how to improve the download response times for that page. > A Unique Link SiteMap for the all the analyzed pages that details your WebSite structure and page dependencies. How To Get Your FREE eValid WebSite HealthCheck All you have to do is reply to this email and we'll contact you to arrange the details of your FREE eValid WebSite HealthCheck. Or, make your request direct to . Complete details about the FREE eValid WebSite HealthCheck, including sample reports and results, are available at: <>. +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | eValid, Inc. | Phone: [+1] (415) 861-2800 | | Software Research, Inc. | Toll Free: 1-800-942-SOFT | | 1663 Mission St., Suite 400 | FAX: [+1] (415) 861-9801 | | San Francisco, CA 94103 USA | E-Mail: | | | WWW: <> | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+ ======================================================================== SQRL Report No. 1 On Documenting the Requirements for Computer Programs Based on Models of Physical Phenomena Konstantin Kreyman and David Lorge Parnas Abstract: Programs for use by Scientists and Engineers are usually embodiments of mathematical models of physical phenomena. Complete and accurate models are usually quite complex because they must deal with the wide-variety of situations that can arise in the real- world. Informal descriptions of these models are often incomplete, imprecise, and, inaccurate and are not suitable for specifying what is required of a software package. This paper presents an approach to writing requirements documents for such programs. It demonstrates how tabular notation can make precise mathematical expressions more readable. It also shows how we can document systems in which the user is given some control of the computational method to be used. The web address for downloading reports is: <> ======================================================================== Annals of Software Engineering: Call for Contributions Special Volume on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering" <> The Annals of Software Engineering journal seeks articles for a special volume on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering". The constantly evolving technological infrastructure of the modern world presents a great challenge of developing software systems with increasing size and complexity. Software engineers and researchers are striving to meet these and other continuously growing challenges by developing and implementing useful software engineering methodologies. However, despite the introduction of some important and useful paradigms in the software engineering discipline, their technological transfers on a larger scale has been extremely gradual and limited. The recent emergence of the field of Computational Intelligence (CI) in Software Engineering provides a software development team with an opportunity by taking advantage of the currently developed, documented, and mature CI technologies such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, genetic and artificial intelligence based computational systems, expert knowledge based systems, and case based reasoning. These and other computational intelligence technologies have been used to resolve issues arising from the ever-increasing complexity and size of software systems. The aim and scope of this special issue is focused on the current research trends of introducing and implementing CI techniques to address the various software engineering needs arising during different phases of software development and analysis. This special issue is intended to serve as a comprehensive collection of some of the current state-of-the-art CI in software engineering technologies. Topics of Interest Topics of particular interest on "Computational Intelligence In Software Engineering" include but are not limited to: * Neural Networks * Fuzzy Logic * Genetic Algorithms & Programming * Case Based Reasoning * Data Mining Techniques * Adaptive Computing Systems * Knowledge Based Systems * Software Cost Estimation * Software Reliability Modeling * Formal Verification Methods * Software Testing & Software Validation * Expert Software Systems * Software Requirements & Specifications Engineering * Machine Learning Techniques * Hybrid Intelligent Systems Editor Professor Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar Department of Computer Science & Engineering Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, Florida 33433, U.S.A. Tel: +1-561-297-3994 Fax: +1-561-297-2800 Email: ======================================================================== Subject: Trustworthy Computing by Bill Gates Editor's Note: We got this item from a friend who got it from a friend who... The friend actually abstracted the memo he got, just to focus on the parts about trustworthiness. So, we cannot vouch totally for its correctness. The best we can say is he told us that he was told that it is legit. All of the usual caveats apply. -EFM From: Bill Gates Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 2:22 PM To: Microsoft and Subsidiaries: All FTE Subject: Trustworthy computing Every few years I have sent out a memo talking about the highest priority for Microsoft. Two years ago, it was the kickoff of our ".NET" strategy. Before that, it was several memos about the importance of the Internet to our future and the ways we could make the Internet truly useful for people. Over the last year it has become clear that ensuring ".NET" is a platform for Trustworthy Computing is more important than any other part of our work. If we don't do this, people simply won't be willing--or able--to take advantage of all the other great work we do. Trustworthy Computing is the highest priority for all the work we are doing. We must lead the industry to a whole new level of Trustworthiness in computing. When we started work on Microsoft ".NET" more than two years ago, we set a new direction for the company--and articulated a new way to think about our software. Rather than developing standalone applications and Web sites, today we're moving towards smart clients with rich user interfaces interacting with Web services. We're driving the XML Web services standards so that systems from all vendors can share information, while working to make Windows the best client and server for this new era. There is a lot of excitement about what this architecture makes possible. It allows the dreams about e-business that have been hyped over the last few years to become a reality. It enables people to collaborate in new ways, including how they read, communicate, share annotations, analyze information and meet. However, even more important than any of these new capabilities is the fact that it is designed from the ground up to deliver Trustworthy Computing. What I mean by this is that customers will always be able to rely on these systems to be available and to secure their information. Trustworthy Computing is computing that is as available, reliable and secure as electricity, water services and telephony. Today, in the developed world, we do not worry about electricity and water services being available. With telephony, we rely both on its availability and its security for conducting highly confidential business transactions without worrying that information about who we call or what we say will be compromised. Computing falls well short of this, ranging from the individual user who isn't willing to add a new application because it might destabilize their system, to a corporation that moves slowly to embrace e-business because today's platforms don't make the grade. The events of last year--from September's terrorist attacks to a number of malicious and highly publicized computer viruses--reminded every one of us how important it is to ensure the integrity and security of our critical infrastructure, whether it's the airlines or computer systems. Computing is already an important part of many people's lives. Within ten years, it will be an integral and indispensable part of almost everything we do. Microsoft and the computer industry will only succeed in that world if CIOs, consumers and everyone else sees that Microsoft has created a platform for Trustworthy Computing. Every week there are reports of newly discovered security problems in all kinds of software, from individual applications and services to Windows, Linux, Unix and other platforms. We have done a great job of having teams work around the clock to deliver security fixes for any problems that arise. Our responsiveness has been unmatched - but as an industry leader we can and must do better. Our new design approaches need to dramatically reduce the number of such issues that come up in the software that Microsoft, its partners and its customers create. We need to make it automatic for customers to get the benefits of these fixes. Eventually, our software should be so fundamentally secure that customers never even worry about it. No Trustworthy Computing platform exists today. It is only in the context of the basic redesign we have done around ".NET" that we can achieve this. The key design decisions we made around ".NET" include the advances we need to deliver on this vision. Visual Studio ".NET" is the first multi-language tool that is optimized for the creation of secure code, so it is a key foundation element. I've spent the past few months working with Craig Mundie's group and others across the company to define what achieving Trustworthy Computing will entail, and to focus our efforts on building trust into every one of our products and services. Key aspects include: Availability: Our products should always be available when our customers need them. System outages should become a thing of the past because of a software architecture that supports redundancy and automatic recovery. Self-management should allow for service resumption without user intervention in almost every case. Security: The data our software and services store on behalf of our customers should be protected from harm and used or modified only in appropriate ways. Security models should be easy for developers to understand and build into their applications. Privacy: Users should be in control of how their data is used. Policies for information use should be clear to the user. Users should be in control of when and if they receive information to make best use of their time. It should be easy for users to specify appropriate use of their information including controlling the use of email they send. Trustworthiness is a much broader concept than security, and winning our customers' trust involves more than just fixing bugs and achieving "five-nines" availability. It's a fundamental challenge that spans the entire computing ecosystem, from individual chips all the way to global Internet services. It's about smart software, services and industry-wide cooperation. There are many changes Microsoft needs to make as a company to ensure and keep our customers' trust at every level - from the way we develop software, to our support efforts, to our operational and business practices. As software has become ever more complex, interdependent and interconnected, our reputation as a company has in turn become more vulnerable. Flaws in a single Microsoft product, service or policy not only affect the quality of our platform and services overall, but also our customers' view of us as a company. In recent months, we've stepped up programs and services that help us create better software and increase security for our customers. Last fall, we launched the Strategic Technology Protection Program, making software like IIS and Windows ".NET" Server secure by default, and educating our customers on how to get--and stay-- secure. The error-reporting features built into Office XP and Windows XP are giving us a clear view of how to raise the level of reliability. The Office team is focused on training and processes that will anticipate and prevent security problems. In December, the Visual Studio ".NET" team conducted a comprehensive review of every aspect of their product for potential security issues. We will be conducting similarly intensive reviews in the Windows division and throughout the company in the coming months. At the same time, we're in the process of training all our developers in the latest secure coding techniques. We've also published books like "Writing Secure Code," by Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, which gives all developers the tools they need to build secure software from the ground up. In addition, we must have even more highly trained sales, service and support people, along with offerings such as security assessments and broad security solutions. I encourage everyone at Microsoft to look at what we've done so far and think about how they can contribute. But we need to go much further. In the past, we've made our software and services more compelling for users by adding new features and functionality, and by making our platform richly extensible. We've done a terrific job at that, but all those great features won't matter unless customers trust our software. So now, when we face a choice between adding features and resolving security issues, we need to choose security. Our products should emphasize security right out of the box, and we must constantly refine and improve that security as threats evolve. A good example of this is the changes we made in Outlook to avoid email borne viruses. If we discover a risk that a feature could compromise someone's privacy, that problem gets solved first. If there is any way we can better protect important data and minimize downtime, we should focus on this. These principles should apply at every stage of the development cycle of every kind of software we create, from operating systems and desktop applications to global Web services. Going forward, we must develop technologies and policies that help businesses better manage ever larger networks of PCs, servers and other intelligent devices, knowing that their critical business systems are safe from harm. Systems will have to become self- managing and inherently resilient. We need to prepare now for the kind of software that will make this happen, and we must be the kind of company that people can rely on to deliver it. This priority touches on all the software work we do. By delivering on Trustworthy Computing, customers will get dramatically more value out of our advances than they have in the past. The challenge here is one that Microsoft is uniquely suited to solve. -Bill ======================================================================== CONQUEST Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology CONQUEST-2002, Nuremberg, Germany, 18-20 October 2002 <> Email: Objectives: The ASQF is one of the key platforms for software professionals in Germany. The aims of the ASQF are: promoting discussion and raising awareness of the important role that software quality plays for the general public; fostering exchange of experience amongst software developers and quality managers; underpinning sharing of knowledge between software developers from industry, research institutions as well as academia; and encouraging publication in the field of software quality. Supporting these goals the ASQF, in collaboration with EuroSPI and the Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI), hosts the sixth international "Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology". In recent years, CONQUEST has attracted an average of over 250 participants, 30 speakers and 20 exhibitors. Topics: Contributions may cover any quality related aspect of software engineering. Please classify your contribution by selecting the topic below that best describes your paper's subject area. We also offer 1/2 day tutorials about these topics on September 18th: 1. Models for Software Development Processes 2. Analytical Methods of Software Engineering 3. Metrics and Measurement Models 4. Componentware & Component Architecture 5. Management Aspects of Software Engineering 6. Requirements Engineering The conference languages are German and English! The print version of Call for Papers can be retrieved here: ======================================================================== ------------>>> QTN ARTICLE SUBMITTAL POLICY <<<------------ ======================================================================== QTN is E-mailed around the middle of each month to over 9000 subscribers worldwide. To have your event listed in an upcoming issue E-mail a complete description and full details of your Call for Papers or Call for Participation to . QTN's submittal policy is: o Submission deadlines indicated in "Calls for Papers" should provide at least a 1-month lead time from the QTN issue date. For example, submission deadlines for "Calls for Papers" in the March issue of QTN On-Line should be for April and beyond. o Length of submitted non-calendar items should not exceed 350 lines (about four pages). Longer articles are OK but may be serialized. o Length of submitted calendar items should not exceed 60 lines. o Publication of submitted items is determined by Software Research, Inc., and may be edited for style and content as necessary. DISCLAIMER: Articles and items appearing in QTN represent the opinions of their authors or submitters; QTN disclaims any responsibility for their content. TRADEMARKS: eValid, STW, TestWorks, CAPBAK, SMARTS, EXDIFF, STW/Regression, STW/Coverage, STW/Advisor, TCAT, and the SR logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Software Research, Inc. 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