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(SR) user community and to provide information of general use to the world software testing com- munity. (c) Copyright 1994 by Software Research, Inc. Permission to copy and/or re-distribute is granted to recipients of the TTN On-Line Edition pro- vided that the entire document/file is kept intact and this copyright notice appears with it. TRADEMARKS: Software TestWorks, STW, STW/Regression, STW/Coverage, STW/Advisor, X11 Virtual Display System, X11virtual and the SR logo are trademarks of Software Research, Inc. All other systems are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. ======================================================================== INSIDE THIS ISSUE: o Featured Conference: ISSRE '94 o Preliminary Call for Papers: AQuIS '96 o STW Product Seminars Scheduled o X11virtual Now Part of CAPBAK/X o Regression Testing: A Basic Overview o Some Recommended Reading o Call for Papers: 8th INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE QUALITY WEEK o Call for Papers: CASE '95 o Call for Participation: UniForum 1995 o Call for Participation: OOPSLA '94 o A Very Interesting Technical Question o Upcoming Event: Dynamic Testing of Ada Programs in the LIS environment o Calendar of Events o TTN Submittal Policy o TTN Subscription Information ======================================================================== F E A T U R E D C O N F E R E N C E . . . Fifth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering ISSRE '94 The Fifth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE'94) will be held at Doubletree Inn Hotel, Monterey, California, USA, from November 6-9, 1994. ISSRE is a major symposium in the emerg- ing field of software reliability engineering. The conference theme of ISSRE'94 is "Achieving Reliable Software Through Testing, Verification and Validation." The technical sessions include Formal Methods, Safety, Modeling, Measurement, Testing, Industry Reports, Tools, as well as several panel discussions. ISSRE'94 also features tutorials and tool fairs. The tutorials include: A Guide to ISSRE'94, Software Reliability Engineering Practice, Software Reliability, Techniques and Tools, Orthogonal Defect Classification, Methodology for Software Quality Metrics and Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Software Development. For advance program and registration material, contact the IEEE Computer Society, 1730 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036-1992, Phone: (202)371-1013, Fax: (202)728-0884. For hotel reservation, con- tact Doubletree Hotel, 2 Portola Plaza, Monterey, CA 93940, USA, Phone: (408)649-4511 Fax: (408)649-4115. ======================================================================== Preliminary CALL FOR PAPERS: AQuIS'96 Third International Conference on Achieving Quality in Software Florence, January 24 - 26, 1996 General Chair: Giacomo Bucci, - University of Florence - I Program Chair: Sandro Bologna - ENEA - I Program co-Chairs: Motoei Azuma - Waseda University - Japan Edward Miller - Software Research - USA The objective of AQuIS'96 series is to provide a platform for technology and knowledge transfer between academia, industry and research institu- tions, in the software quality field. The final program will include presentations of research papers and experience reports, invited talks and state of arts reports in the field of software quality. In addition, AQuIS'96 will try for the first time to address specifically the topic of knowledge-based systems (KBS) qual- ity and the impact of object oriented technology on quality. The development of KBS technology has created a strong interest in applying this technology to critical applications. There is a growing interest to the problem of assuring KBS quality and some of the good ideas from conventional software quality could be transferred to KBS quality. Object oriented technology has pervaded the entire field of software engineering, changing the way in which programs are specified and developed. While much research has been performed on object-oriented programming, little has been said on its impact on quality. Submission are invited in, among others, the following areas: -- Why so little progress in software quality engineering? -- Why so little progress in quantitative evaluation of quality? -- Industrial interest to software quality. -- Conventional software systems verification, validation, testing. -- Impact of object-oriented programming on software quality. -- Quality of object-oriented systems. -- Design for quality. -- Quality management. -- Quality standards. -- Tools for managing quality. Four copies (in English) of original work, limited to 12 pages (5000 words), must reach the Conference Secretariat before April 3rd, 1995. Best papers may be selected for publications in a special issue of *The Journal of Systems and Software* (Eslevier Science Inc., New York) One-page abstracts are due January 2nd, 1995. Contact: Rossella Cortesi CESVIT, Palazzina Lorenese, Viale Strozzi 1, 50129, Firenze, Italy, Tel.: +39-55-485333 ---- Fax.: +39-55-485345, e-mail: AQUIS96@AGUIRRE.ING.UNIFI.IT ======================================================================== STW PRODUCT SEMINARS SCHEDULED Anxious to learn about state-of-the-art solutions for software testing? SR's next set of free product seminars will be held at locations around the USA, as follows: 19 September 1994: Valley Forge, PA 23 September 1994: Tysons Corners, VA 14 October 1994: San Diego, CA 19 October 1994: Seattle, WA 20 October 1994: Denver, CO 21 October 1994: Santa Clara, CA YOU WILL GAIN . . . An understanding of how to evaluate testing tools. Knowledge of the major testing strategies and how to implement them. A realistic approach to automated testing to improve quality and reduce cycle times. Confidence that yours can be the highest quality software available. All seminars start at 8:30 AM and run to 12:00 and include a half-hour break at 10:00 AM. Hotel locations will be included in the registration package. For complete information contact SR at "". ======================================================================== X11virtual Now Part of CAPBAK/X X11virtual, having been distributed to hundreds of sites worldwide as the result of our ``Virtually Free Software'' promotion, has now been bound in with the CAPBAK/X product set. The X11 Virtual Display System/tm (X11virtual/tm) is an exciting new technology from Software Research (SR) that permits you to run GUI applications and scripts in the background, just as if each one was con- nected to a separate screen. This technology was developed for load testing from a single worksta- tion. X11virtual can be used with our testing tools, or any other ven- dors' testing tools. It can also be used by anyone wishing to put a screen intensive application into the background in order to free the screen for other uses. X11virtual is based on X11R5 and runs on the fol- lowing platforms: SPARC X11, Silicon Graphics under IRIX 5.x, RS/6000 under AIX 3.2.x, and HP-9000/7XX under HP/UX 9.x. ======================================================================== REGRESSION TESTING: A BASIC OVERVIEW (NOTE: This short piece on test terminology is promoted by recent dis- cussions in "" about the meaning of the term "regression testing".ed.) The notion of regression testing has been around for some time: you make sure, by independent means, that a change you've just made to the system you're working on doesn't introduce NEW behaviors. Prior to the early 80's this work was mostly done manually. You have seen it, or done it, or heard of someone who still does this: a tester or team of testers spends hours or days or weeks putting a program through its paces. He tries to think of every combination of every operation, and every possible way to run the program, and tries to gauge the results just by "eyeballing" them. (Believe it or not, some early software testers used VCR's to record what testers did so they could analyze the results.) For the most part, this process works. If an operation fails, it is usu- ally very obvious that it failed. But if a code change meant a very slight alteration in behavior, a tester may not catch it, particularly if it is not visually evident. In addition, many testers are familiar enough with computers and the software in question to know instinctively what *not* to do. But in the field, you can't always trust your users to know that. Software testers often say: if there is a way to make the product crash, the users will surely find it! Right after the introduction of capture-playback tools, testing confer- ences in the mid-80's set the stage for discussions of automating regression testing. Capture-playback tools let a test engineer capture his work and play it back later. Automating the testing process helped sort out the unpredicted changes that so often take place: does the overall application still do what it was designed to do? Typically the capture/playback engine is used on a test-by-test basis. It is used to test individual parts; those individual tests can then be organized into groups, based on your understanding of the application, and then, once you are satisfied with the groups of tests, they can be put together to test the entire product or suite. Automating it meant that testers could fire off a test or series of tests and then do other things: analyze previous results, take a coffee break, etc. It also meant that, rather than writing a script to isolate one module, and pos- sibly missing how that module interacted with others, the module could be tested individually, and *also* tested as part of the whole. Changing even two lines of code can have far-reaching effects; you may change a function call, thinking of the one or two obvious places where it is used, but what about the third or fourth instance where it is used? Automating the testing of the entire product increases your chances of finding errors in those less-obvious places. With the use of differencing as part of the testing process, it is also possible to look for intentional changes: you want diff to *fail* in cases where the original baseline was wrong (there was a defect, or you want to change the behavior for other reasons). So while capture/playback facilities can be useful during development to check small pieces of code, it is of great value when used with an automated test manager to test the entire product. ======================================================================== SOME RECOMMENDED READING... Recently, Brian Marick posted a very useful FAQ on InterNet (message id; a Testing tools supplier list. The list includes tools for test design, implementation, evaluation, and static analysis, as well as some miscellaneous tools. Several of the tools mentioned are from Software Research's Software TestWorks (STW). * * * In the June 1994 issue of CrossTalk, the Journal of Defense Software Engineering, an article appears called "Testing for the Future". It was written by members of the Software Research staff. It covers some of the reasons for specification-based testing, and the benefits (as well as the costs) involved. You will find the article useful and informative. ======================================================================== INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE QUALITY WEEK `95 (QW '95) Conference Theme: The Client-Server Revolution San Francisco, California 30 May - 2 June 1995 QW `95 is the eighth in a continuing series of Conferences focusing on advances in software test technology, quality control, risk management, software safety, and test automation. Software analysis methodologies, supported by advanced automated software test methods, promise major advances in system quality and reliability, assuming continued competi- tiveness. The QW `95 program consists of four days of mini-tutorials, panels, techni cal papers and workshops that focus on software test automation and new technology. QW `95 provides the Software Testing and QA/QC com- munity with: Quality Assurance and Test involvement in the development process. Exchange of information among technologists. State-of-the-art information on software test methods. Analysis of effectiveness through case studies. Vendor Technical Presentations Two-Day Vendor Show We are soliciting 45 and 90 minute presentations or participation in a panel discussion on any area of testing and automation, including: New and Novel Test Methods, Automated Inspection, CASE/CAST Technology, Client-Server Computing, Cost / Schedule Estimation, and many other topics (call Software Research for a more complete list). SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Abstracts should be 2 - 4 pages long, with enough detail to give reviewers an understanding of the final paper, including a rough outline of its contents. Indicate if the most likely audience is technical, managerial or application-oriented. In addition, please include: + A cover page with the paper title, complete mailing and e-mail address(es), and telephone and FAX number(s) of each author. + A list of keywords describing the paper. + A brief biographical sketch of each author. Send abstracts to: Ms. Rita Bral, Software Research Institute, 625 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 USA. For information on the confer- ence, E-mail your request to, phone SR/Institute at (415) 550-3020, or FAX SR/Institute at (415) 550-3030. ======================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS CASE '95 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COMPUTER-AIDED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Toronto, Ontario, Canada July 9-14, 1995 Sponsored by International Workshop on CASE, Inc. IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Software Engineering The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Evolutionary Engineering of Systems and Software Software and systems development, management, and evolution will undergo dramatic change in the last half of the 1990s. The growing reliance on client/server architectures, the growth of industrial strength object- oriented techniques, advances in systems engineering automation, the emergence of powerful repository capabilities, multimedia opportunities, and other factors are already having profound impact on the way systems are designed and implemented. CASE methods, techniques, tools, and environments are evolving to meet these many new needs. Indeed, the CASE in 1995 is far different from the CASE of the late 1980s. Now that CASE is past its initial marketplace boom and bust cycle, attention is turn- ing to the value of CASE technology and the CASE approach for the long term in systems and software engineering. CASE '95 is the premier conference and working meeting of the CASE field. It is the crossroads of practitioners and researchers from indus- try, academia, and government. Workshops, refereed papers, presenta- tions, tutorials, and working meetings explore and report on the most important practical, applied, experimental, and theoretical work currently conducted in the CASE field for systems and software evolu- tion. For more information, contact one of the Program Co-Chairs: Elliot Chikofsky, DMR Group, 404 Wyman Street, Suite 450, Waltham, MA 02154, USA. Voice: 617-487-9026 Fax: 617-487-5752 E-mail: Hausi A. Muller, Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Engineering Office Wing (EOW 337), P.O. Box 3055, Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P6 Canada. Voice: 604-721-7630 Fax: 604-721-7292 E-mail: ======================================================================== UniForum 1995 Call for Participation UniForum is the world-class leader in conference and trade shows for the UNIX and Open Systems environment. The 1994 UniForum Conference and Exposition drew 40,000 users and leaders. UniForum 1995 will be the premier Open Systems event of the year. You are cordially invited to participate in this prestigious event by submitting your session and speaker proposals for the UniForum 1995 Conference. UniForum 1995 Conference currently consists of, but is not limited to, the following tracks: * PCs in an Open Systems Environment * Mainframes in an Open Systems Environment * Internet/Information Highway * Mission-Critical Open Systems * Large, High-Volume Solutions * Futures in Open Systems * Industry Trends & Issues For a complete list of topics, proposal format, and to receive a ques- tionnaire, please contact Deborah Bonnin, Conference and Seminar Manager, UniForum Association, 2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 205, Santa Clara, CA 95054-1100. ======================================================================== A VERY INTERESTING TECHNICAL QUESTION! (NOTE: Here is an interesting query posted to "" recently. We found it thought provoking, to say the least. Responses can come to "" or to Dr. Berlejung direct.) From: (Heiner Berlejung) Newsgroups:, Subject: RFI: How to audit numerics in SRS Date: 4 Aug 94 09:41:12 GMT Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Hello world, I wonder how numerical algorithms and programs are assessed by audi- tors or persons who are responsible for quality of software in the application of safety-related systems (SRS), i.e. military, power industries, traffic, medicine a.s.o.. NOTE : x:= 1e20; y := x; ok1 := x+1-y = 1; { false } ok2 := x-y+1 = 1; { true for IEEE 754-85 double} (1) Assessment of numerical programs/results (algorithms a.s.o.) (2) I define numerical programs as programs (or part of software sys- tems) which contain low or/and high mathematical objects usually using floating-point data formats in order to achieve high perfor- mance calculation. Have you any other definition for numerical pro- grams ? (3) There is a standard proposal 65A(Secretariat)123/122 that defines some quality requirements. Has this standard any significance ? Are other standards suitable ? (4) Are there strategies to avoid floating-point numbers ? (i.e. using rational arithmetic in lisp ?) (5) Are there any test strategies prescribed? (6) Are there any attempts of verification/validation? If there are enough answers, I will post a summary. Thanks in advance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heiner Berlejung Institute of Applied Mathematics Email: University of Karlsruhe Phone:+49 721 377934 / Fax:+49 721 385979 P.O. Box 6980,D-76128 Karlsruhe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================== DYNAMIC TESTING OF ADA PROGRAMS IN THE LIS ENVIRONMENT ISTITUTO ELABORAZIONE INFORMAZIONE - CENTRO NAZIONALE RICERCHE Pisa, Italy Presented by: Ing. Mario Fusani & Ing. Carlo Carlesi An experimental seminar session will be conducted where some features of newly created LIS (Software Engineering Laboratory) will be shown. LIS is a network based interactive environment (located in Pisa and Naples) which enables remote users to know about, train with and use contem- porary software engineering tools. During the session, a set of (com- mercially available) tools will be used to instrument and test sample Ada programs. Relevant aspects about automatic testing of Ada programs will also be presented. For details including dates and local information please contact: Ing. Mario Fusani (fusani@vm.iei.pi.cnr.IT) ======================================================================== ---------------------->>> CALENDAR OF EVENTS <<<---------------------- ======================================================================== The following is a partial list of upcoming events of interest. ("o" indicates Software Research will participate in these events.) + August 17-19: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) Seattle, Washington Contact: Thomas Ostrand Siemens Corporate Research 755 College Road East Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: [+1] 609-734-6569 + August 22-25: 1994 Software Engineering Symposium Pittsburgh, PA Contact: Wendy A. Rossi Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 Phone: [+1] 412-268-7388 (registration) [+1] 412-268-5800 (customer relations) o September 21-22: Software World/USA Washington, D.C. Contact: Mark Longo Phone: [+1] 508-470-3870 + October 3-5: ASQC 4th International Conference on Software Quality Washington, D.C. Contact: Karen Snow Exhibit Coordinator PO Box 463 Tiburon, CA 94920 Phone: [+1] 415-388-1963 o October 4-6: UNIX Expo New York, NY Contact: Sheila Lillien or Claire Behrle Phone: [+1] 800-829-3976 (USA) or [+1] 201-346-1400 ======================================================================== ------------>>> TTN SUBMITTAL POLICY <<<------------ ======================================================================== The TTN On-Line edition is forwarded on the 15th of each month to sub- scribers via InterNet. To have your event listed in an upcoming issue, please E-mail a description of your event or Call for Papers or Partici- pation to "". The TTN On-Line submittal policy is as follows: o Submission deadlines indicated in "Calls for Papers" should provide at least a 1-month lead time from the TTN On-Line issue date. For example, submission deadlines for "Calls for Papers" in the January issue of TTN On-Line would be for February and beyond. o Length of submitted items should not exceed 68 lines (one page). o Publication of submitted items is determined by Software Research, Inc., and may be edited as necessary. ======================================================================== ----------------->>> TTN SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION <<<----------------- ======================================================================== To request a FREE subscription or submit articles, please E-mail "". For subscriptions, please use the keywords "Request- TTN" or "subscribe" in the Subject line of your E-mail header. To have your name added to the subscription list for the quarterly hard-copy version of the TTN -- which contains additional information beyond the monthly electronic version -- include your name, company, and postal address. To cancel your subscription, include the phrase "unsubscribe" or "UNrequest-TTN" in the Subject line. Note: To order back copies of the TTN On-Line (August 1993 onward), please specify the month and year when E-mailing requests to "". TESTING TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER Software Research, Inc. 901 Minnesota Street San Francisco, CA 94107 USA Phone: (415) 550-3020 Toll Free: (800) 942-SOFT FAX: (415) 550-3030 E-mail: ## End ##