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TRADEMARKS: Software TestWorks, STW, STW/Regression, STW/Coverage, STW/Advisor, X11 Virtual Display System, X11virtual and the SR logo are trademarks of Software Research, Inc. All other systems are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. ======================================================================== INSIDE THIS ISSUE: o ISSTA Call Correction o Call for Papers: Eurovav'95 o Call for Papers: California Software Engineering Symposium (CSES) o Call for Papers: CASE '95 o Call for Nominations: Stevens Lecture on Software Development Methods o Monthly FAQs Available o Article: Requirements: A Quick and Inexpensive Way to Improve Testing o Software Research/IDE Integration Demonstrated o Call for Papers: 8th INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE QUALITY WEEK o To contact SR... o Calendar of Events o TTN Submittal Policy o Special Note: Hardware Crash Interrupts Some Mail o TTN Subscription Information ======================================================================== ************************************************************************ HOLIDAY WISHES TO ALL OF OUR SUBSCRIBERS!! And best wishes for the New Year from all of us at Software Research, Inc. * < > < o > < * i > < o i o > < i * i > < o * o o > < i i * > ^^^^^^|^|^^^^^^ ======================================================================== ISSTA Update In last month's issue, we printed a call for papers for ISSTA'95 (the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis). Unfor- tunately, this was an early draft of the call and not meant for public release. The dates and location for ISSTA itself and for the submission of papers have not yet been finalized. When they have, we will print the corrected call for papers here. ======================================================================== Call for Participation for a Workshop on Formal Specification and Validation of Knowledge Based Systems in association with EUROVAV'95 25 June 1995 St Badolph-Chambery, France In the past decade, the separate fields of Validation and Verification and Formal Specification Languages for KBS have independently reached a degree of maturity where each can now learn from and contribute to the other. This workshop focuses on: - briefing each of the two communities on the capabilities and concerns of the other, and - identifying and exploring opportunities for future collaboration. Statements of interest should be sent before 31 March 1995 to: Frank van Harmelen (EUROVAV workshop) SWI, University of Amsterdam Roetersstraat 15, 1018WB Amsterdam The Netherlands email: ======================================================================== Call for Papers California Software Engineering Symposium (CSES) (formerly the Irvine Software Symposium (ISS)) University of California, Irvine Thursday, March 9, 1995 The California Software Engineering Symposium (CSES) is the fifth in a series of annual meetings on software engineering. CSES is the descen- dant of the Irvine Research Unit in Software's (IRUS) Irvine Software Symposium. This symposium is now co-sponsored by UCI's Irvine Research Unit in Software (IRUS) and USC's Center for Software Engineering (CSE). The purpose of these symposia is to bring together researchers and prac- titioners to share ideas and experiences through paper presentations and panel discussions. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, environments, process, architectures, reuse, testing, computer-supported cooperative work, metrics, human-computer interaction, requirements and design, formal methods, and product and process management. Abstracts for papers and panel proposals are invited on new approaches and experiences. Emphasis will be on early dissemination of new ideas and empirical evaluation and on experience with software techniques on actual projects. Experience reports should report lessons that have general applicability. For more information about abstract/proposal submission, please contact: Prof. Barry Boehm, CSES, University of Southern California, Center for Software Engineering, Computer Science Department, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781, Office: (213) 740-5703, FAX: (213) 740-4927, Internet: To be held in conjunction with CSES: IRUS is pleased to announce the First Annual Software Engineering Tools and Technologies (SETT) Tools Fair Friday, March 10 University of California, Irvine Student Center Come join us on Friday, following CSES, for a day filled with tool demonstrations and presentations! ======================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS CASE '95 Seventh International Workshop On Computer-Aided Software Engineering Toronto Hilton Hotel Toronto, Ontario, Canada July 9-14, 1995 Sponsored by International Workshop on CASE, Inc., IEEE Computer Society's Technical Council on Software Engineering, and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Evolutionary Engineering of Systems and Software Software and systems development, management, and evolution will undergo dramatic change in the last half of the 1990s. The growing reliance on client/server architectures, the growth of industrial- strength object-oriented techniques, advances in systems engineering automation, the emergence of powerful repository capabilities, multimedia opportunities, and other factors are already having profound impact on the way systems are designed and implemented. CASE methods, techniques, tools, and environments are evolving to meet these many new needs. Indeed, the CASE in 1995 is far different from the CASE of the late 1980s. Now that CASE is past its initial marketplace boom and bust cycle, attention is turning to the value of CASE technology and the CASE approach for the long term in systems and software engineering. CASE '95 is the premier conference and working meeting of the CASE field. It is the crossroads of practitioners and researchers from industry, academia, and government. Workshops, refereed papers, presentations, tutorials, and working meetings explore and report on the most important practical, applied, experimental, and theoretical work currently conducted in the CASE field for systems and software evolution. Major Topics include, but are not limited to: (a) CASE for systems engineering and evolutionary development: business process reengineering, system and software reengineering, reverse engineering, design recovery, reengineering methodologies, reusability, domain modeling, reengineering economics, program analysis and understanding, impact analysis, legacy systems; (b) Enabling technologies for CASE environments: architectures, integration mechanisms, software buses, distribution, client/server and distributed architectures, scripting languages, repositories, data interchange standards, user interface technologies, multimedia, groupware; (c) CASE adoption and technology transfer including standards, impact on productivity, quality, and reliability, success factors, management and economic issues, trends and directions, case studies of successful and unsuccessful usage of CASE tools; (d) Lifecycle Coverage and Methodology Support: software process improvement, object-oriented techniques and the evolution of development methods, requirements engineering, metrics and measurement technology, configuration and project management, formal methods, quality control. (e) Software Engineering Education: form and content of software engineering laboratories, the role of CASE tools, needs of the software industry, teaching software maintenance and evolution. For more information on paper submissions or the conference itself, con- tact: General Chair Jacob Slonim, Head of Research Centre for Advanced Studies IBM Canada Ltd. 21/894 844 Don Mills Road North York, Ontario Canada M3C 1V7 Voice: 416-448-2245 Fax: 416-448-2859 E-mail: ======================================================================== CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for the inaugural +-----------------------------------+ | STEVENS LECTURE | | ON SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHODS | +-----------------------------------+ The purpose of the Stevens Lecture is to advance the state of software development methods and enhance their continuing evolution. The award recipient is recognized for outstanding contributions to the literature or practice of methods for software development. The lecture presenta- tion will focus on advancing or analyzing the state of software methods and their direction for the future. The award includes a significant honorarium and travel to the lecture site. This award lecture is named in memory of Wayne Stevens (1944-1993), a highly-respected consultant, author, pioneer, and advocate of the practical application of software methods and tools. His 1974 article "Structured Design" was the first published on the topic and remains the most widely reprinted article from the IBM Systems Journal. He was the author of the books Software Design: Concepts and Methods (Prentice-Hall Intl, 1991) and ------------------------------------- Using Structured Design (Wiley, 1981). ----------------------- His last article "Data Flow Analysis and Design" appears in the Encyclo- pedia of Software Engineering (Wiley, 1994). Stevens was the chief architect of IBM's application development methodology. The first Stevens Lecture will be presented at CASE '95, the 7th International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, at Toronto, Ontario, Canada in July 1995. The Stevens Lecture is presented by IWCASE, the international sponsoring association of the CASE workshop - the principal technical meeting of the CASE field. Nominations may be submitted by letter, fax, or electronic mail and must include a description of the contribution of the nominee (up to 3 pages), citations of key contributions to the literature on software methods, and contact information for both the nominee and the nominator. Send nominations by January 16, 1995 to: Stevens Lecture Committee fax 617-272-8464 IWCASE email P.O. Box 400 Burlington, MA 01803-0501 USA Questions and requests for information should be directed to the chair of the Stevens Lecture Committee: Elliot Chikofsky, DMR Group Inc. phone 617-487-9026; fax 617-487-5752; email INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CASE (IWCASE) Executive Board John Jenkins, City University London (United Kingdom) Ron Norman, San Diego State University (USA) Elliot Chikofsky, DMR Group & Northeastern Univ (USA) Homa Taraji, Aerospace Corp. (USA) Swee-Cheang Lim, National Univ of Singapore (Singapore) Francois Coallier, Bell Canada (Canada) Gene Forte, Forte Research (USA) Karl Reed, La Trobe University (Australia) Jacob Slonim, IBM Canada (Canada) Hausi Muller, University of Victoria (Canada) ======================================================================== MONTHLY FAQs AVAILABLE Each month in most user groups on InterNet, some enterprising souls take the time to collect and publish answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). Last month in, one of the summaries regarded Standards from ISO and IEEE, as well as lists of recently pub- lished books, journals, papers, and other written materials that would be of use to the software testing industry. Check the monthly FAQ on comp.std.internet for answers to many of your favorite questions... ======================================================================== REQUIREMENTS: A QUICK AND INEXPENSIVE WAY TO IMPROVE TESTING Bell Labs and IBM studies have determined that 80% of all defects are inserted in the requirements phase. Improving the requirements defini- tion process reduces the amount of testing and rework required. The following six steps present a process to standardize software require- ments development. 1. ADOPT A STANDARD FOR DEVELOPING SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS. Often, software development organizations write standards that codify inadequate practices. Consider adopting industry-accepted stan- dards that meet your organization's needs and make it stretch. 2. USE A PERSON WITH ORGANIZATIONAL AND REQUIREMENTS-DOCUMENTATION SKILLS TO FACILITATE REQUIREMENTS WORKING-GROUP SESSIONS. Use a trained facilitator to lead the developments of a requirement specifications template and subsequent requirements-gathering efforts. 3. DEVELOP A SYSTEM-SPECIFIC GUIDE TO REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION BASED ON THE SELECTED STANDARD. Using the adopted standard, develop a system-specific template for requirements specification. Follow the standard, but paraphrase each item in the standard's checklist in terms understood by all team members. Do not omit items in the standard. You do not have to complete each one, but account for them all. If you do not account for each item, you are out of compliance with the standard. 4. FOLLOW STANDARD QUALITY ASSURANCE PRACTICES FOR REVIEW, APPROVAL AND SIGN-OFF OF THE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATIONS. 5. REQUIRE THAT A REQUIREMENTS MATRIX BE A STANDARD DELIVERABLE WITH EACH REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION, AND TRACE EACH REQUIREMENT THROUGH TO IMPLEMENTATION. Develop a table that cross-references each requirement to the design, the coded module and the test case. Trace the progress of each requirement through to implemen- tation. 6. TRACK THE RESULTS. Develop measurements for analyzing the requirements development process. References: 1. Software Management Guide, Software Technology Support Center. Hill Air Force Base, UT 84056---1-800-777-7703 2. Standard, Guidelines and Examples on System and Software Requirements Engineering. IEEE Computer Society Press ---1-800-CS- BOOKS 3. IEEE Standards Collection--Software Engineering 1994, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Inc.---1-800-678-IEEE 4. Making Software Measurement Work, Bill Hetzel, 1993. QED Publishing Group M. Sue White 2600 Camino Ramon 3N200P San Ramon, CA 94583 510-823-2376 Edited by Elizabeth Tuck ======================================================================== SOFTWARE RESEARCH/IDE INTEGRATION DEMONSTRATED In the past, Software Research announced an integration with Interactive Development Environments (IDE) to deliver the first end-to-end automated specification, development and software test solution. SR's Software TestWorks (STW(tm)) had been integrated with IDE's Software Through Pic- tures (StP(tm)) structure design tool and T(tm) products. Now, in addition to those products, STW has also added an integration with IDE's object-oriented design tool, StP/OMT. At the time of the publication of this issue of the TTN/Online, techni- cal representatives of Software Research, Inc. and IDE are in Hunts- ville, Alabama, installing the STW products for New Technologies, Inc. (NTI) and training users. The installation includes the SR/IDE integra- tion. ======================================================================== INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE QUALITY WEEK `95 (QW '95) Conference Theme: The Client-Server Revolution San Francisco, California 30 May - 2 June 1995 QW `95 is the eighth in a continuing series of Conferences focusing on advances in software test technology, quality control, risk management, software safety, and test automation. Software analysis methodologies, supported by advanced automated software test methods, promise major advances in system quality and reliability, assuming continued competi- tiveness. The QW `95 program consists of four days of mini-tutorials, panels, technical papers and workshops that focus on software test automation and new technology. QW `95 provides the software testing and QA/QC com- munity with: Quality Assurance and Test involvement in the development process. Exchange of information among technologists. State-of-the-art information on software test methods. Analysis of effectiveness through case studies. Vendor Technical Presentations Two-Day Vendor Show We are soliciting 45 and 90 minute presentations, half-day seminar pro- posals, and participation in a panel discussion on any area of testing and automation, including: New and Novel Test Methods, Automated Inspec- tion, CASE/CAST Technology, Client-Server Computing, Cost / Schedule Estimation, and many other topics (call Software Research for a more complete list). SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Abstracts should be 2 - 4 pages long, with enough detail to give reviewers an understanding of the final paper, including a rough outline of its contents. Indicate if the most likely audience is technical, managerial or application-oriented. In addition, please include: + A cover page with the paper title, complete mailing and e-mail address(es), and telephone and FAX number(s) of each author. + A list of keywords describing the paper. + A brief biographical sketch of each author. Deadline for submission: December 30, 1994 Send abstracts to: Ms. Rita Bral, Software Research Institute, 625 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 USA. For information on the confer- ence, E-mail your request to, phone SR/Institute at (415) 550-3020, or FAX SR/Institute at (415) 550-3030. ======================================================================== T o c o n t a c t S R . . . SR's DISTRIBUTORS Please contact the organizations below for information about SR products in the countries indicated. They can provide you with complete details on the entire Software TestWorks (STW) product line, including Regres- sion, Advisor, and Coverage product bundles. If you are outside all of these territories, please contact the nearest distributor, or contact SR directly. Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourgh): PVI Precision Software B.V. Postbus 1059, 3900 BB Veenendall, NETHERLANDS. CONTACT: Mr. Her- bert Weustenenk, Phone + [31] 8385-52588, FAX + [31] 8385-51506, e-Mail: 100334.315@compuserve.COM Denmark: Computer Resources International, Bregnerodvej 144, P.O. Box 173, DK-3460 Birkerod DENMARK. CONTACT: Dr. Jan Holm, Phone + [45] (45) 82 21 00, FAX + [45] (45) 82.17.66, E-Mail: sdesales@csd.cri.DK France: Scientific Computers, Ltd. 11c Quai Conti, 78430 Louveciennes, FRANCE. CONTACT: Mr. Pierre Renard, Phone + [33] 1-30-82-77-07, FAX + [33] 1-30-82-72-78, e-Mail: info@scientific.FR Germany, Austria: PVI Precision Software GmbH, Robert-Bosch Strasse 5, Dreieich-Sprendlingen, D-63303 GERMANY. CONTACT: Dr. Klaus Garms, Phone + [49] 6103-3794-0, FAX + [49] 6103-36955, E-Mail: garms@pre- soft.DE Italy: SLIGOS S.p.A., Via Vaninetti, 27, 10148 Torino, ITALY. CONTACT: Mr. Michele Giordano, Phone + [39] 11 26851, FAX + [39] 11 220-2662, e- Mail: mesarto!giordano@relay.iunet.IT Italy: SIElab, s.r.l., Via A. Ponchielli 16, 55049 Viareggio (LU), ITALY. CONTACT: Mr. Marco Vatteroni, CASE Product Sales, Phone + [39] (584) 962-996, FAX + [39] (584) 48818, E-Mail: SIELAB@vm.cnuce.cnr.IT Japan: Lifeboat, Inc., 3-6, Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101 JAPAN. CONTACT: Mr. Jingang Deng, CASE Sales Specialist, Phone + [81] (3) 3293-4738, FAX + [81] (3) 3293-4725, E-Mail: Korea: Daeboong Corporation, Kwansesa Koikwan B/D 4 Fl, 209-9 Nonhyun- Dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul, KOREA. CONTACT: Mr. H. P. Kim, Phone + [82] (2) 515 6671/6, FAX + [82] (2) 515 8209. UK (England, Scotland, Ireland): Scientific Computers, Ltd. 3 Premiere House, Betts Way, London Road, Crawley, West Sussex, ENGLAND RH10 2GB. CONTACT: Mr. Simon Dawson, Phone + [44] (293) 403.636, FAX + [44] (293) 403.641, E-Mail: simon@scl.COM ======================================================================== ---------------------->>> CALENDAR OF EVENTS <<<---------------------- ======================================================================== The following is a partial list of upcoming events of interest. ("o" indicates Software Research will participate in these events.) + December 20-22: 1st International Conference on Software Testing, Reliability and Quality Assurance (STRQA) New Delhi, INDIA Contact: Professor Aditya P. Mathur Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University W. Lafayette, IN 47907-1398 tel: 317-494-7822 fax: 317-494-0739 e-mail: + 14-17 Feb: Client/Server Conference & Exhibition San Jose Convention Center San Jose, CA contact: Peter Brunold tel: 800-808-3976 fax: 800-858-0412, 516-733-6753 email: MJEAVONS@CMP.COM (Attn: Peter Brunold) o 14-16 Feb: Software Development '95 Moscone Convention Center San Francisco, CA tel: 800-441-8826 415-905-2784 fax: 415-905-2222 o February 22-25: Uniforum 1995 Dallas Convention Center Dallas, TX Contact: [+1] 800-545-EXPO + March 1-2: Software World USA Chicago, IL Contact: Loretta Taylor tel: 508-470-3870 + March 7-10: Achieving Quality Software Sheraton Premiere Tyson's Corner, VA contact: Sherry Paquin email: tel: 804-974-2078 fax: 804-974-2480 ======================================================================== ------------>>> TTN SUBMITTAL POLICY <<<------------ ======================================================================== The TTN On-Line Edition is forwarded on the 15th of each month to sub- scribers via InterNet. To have your event listed in an upcoming issue, please e-mail a description of your event or Call for Papers or Partici- pation to "". The TTN On-Line submittal policy is as follows: o Submission deadlines indicated in "Calls for Papers" should provide at least a 1-month lead time from the TTN On-Line issue date. For example, submission deadlines for "Calls for Papers" in the January issue of TTN On-Line would be for February and beyond. o Length of submitted items should not exceed 68 lines (one page). o Publication of submitted items is determined by Software Research, Inc., and may be edited as necessary. ======================================================================== SPECIAL NOTE: HARDWARE CRASH INTERRUPTS SOME MAIL We had a hardware failure at SR over the weekend of 19-20 November, and did not restore e-mail service until 22 November 1994. As a result of that crash we lost several weeks of accumulated incoming e-mail, includ- ing subscribe and unsubscribe requests for the TTN Online Edition. Please, if you did not get a response, or if TTN comes and you don't want it to, or it doesn't come and you want it to, just re-send your TTN requests. ======================================================================== ----------------->>> TTN SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION <<<----------------- ======================================================================== To request a FREE subscription or submit articles, please E-mail "". For subscriptions, please use the keywords "Request- TTN" or "subscribe" in the Subject line of your E-mail header. To have your name added to the subscription list for the quarterly hard-copy version of the TTN -- which contains additional information beyond the monthly electronic version -- include your name, company, and postal address. To cancel your subscription, include the phrase "unsubscribe" or "UNrequest-TTN" in the Subject line. Note: To order back copies of the TTN On-Line (August 1993 onward), please specify the month and year when E-mailing requests to "". TESTING TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER Software Research, Inc. 901 Minnesota Street San Francisco, CA 94107 USA Phone: (415) 550-3020 Toll Free: (800) 942-SOFT FAX: (415) 550-3030 E-mail: ## End ##