sss ssss rrrrrrrrrrr ssss ss rrrr rrrr sssss s rrrr rrrr ssssss rrrr rrrr ssssssss rrrr rrrr ssssss rrrrrrrrr s ssssss rrrr rrrr ss sssss rrrr rrrr sss sssss rrrr rrrr s sssssss rrrrr rrrrr +===================================================+ +======= Testing Techniques Newsletter (TTN) =======+ +======= ON-LINE EDITION =======+ +======= March 1997 =======+ +===================================================+ TESTING TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER (TTN), On-Line Edition, is E-mailed monthly to support the Software Research, Inc. (SR) user community and provide information of general use to the worldwide software testing community. (c) Copyright 1997 by Software Research, Inc. Permission to copy and/or re-distribute is granted to recipients of the TTN On-Line Edition provided that the entire document/file is kept intact and this copyright notice appears with it. ======================================================================== INSIDE THIS ISSUE: o Ten Arguments Against ISO-9000, by John Seddon o A Guided Tour of Quality Week '97 o Toward a Software Product Assessment: An Attack on the Broader Software Maintenance Problem, by Alan B. Salisbury, President, Learning Tree International o Tri-Ada'97 Details Available: St. Louis, November 1997. o WWW Item about Ariane 5 Explosion Available o ISSRE'97 Reminder: 2-5 November 1997, Albuqueruqe, New Mexico o Challenge by Elliot Chikofsky: A Technical Challenge to the Software Re-Engineering and Reverse Engineering Community o COMPASS'97: Program Announcement o Advance Program: Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR'97), o Evaluating TTN-Online o TTN SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ======================================================================== Ten Argments Against ISO-9000! by John Seddon E-mail: Note: John Seddon is a well known speaker and writer and researcher, and he will be giving one of the keynote talks at QW'97 (see program below). The issues surrounding ISO-9000 are *SO* sensitive that we thought it would be a good idea to give you a "sneak preview" of what John's Keynote Talk at QW'97 will be all about. o o o o o o o o John Seddon has ten arguments in his case against ISO 9000: 1. ISO 9000 encourages organizations to act in ways which make things worse for their customers. 2. Quality by inspection is not quality. 3. ISO 9000 starts from the flawed presumption that work is best controlled by specifying and controlling procedures. 4. The typical method of implementation is bound to cause sub- optimization of performance. 5. The Standard relies too much on people's and particularly assessors' interpretation of quality. 6. The Standard promotes, encourages, and explicitly demands actions which cause sub-optimization. 7. When people are subjected to external controls, they will be inclined to pay attention to only those things which are affected by the controls. 8. ISO 9000 has discouraged managers from learning about the theory of variation. 9. ISO 9000 has failed to foster good customer-supplier relations. 10. As an intervention, ISO 9000 has not encouraged managers to think differently. John maintains that if UK plc were a 'quality organization' and its impact of this Standard on performance we would 'stop production' now? ISO 9000 is not 'fit for purpose'. It is, on the contrary, getting in the way! According to John ISO 9000 is only a manifestation of a wider problem: this century has seen the development of a way of thinking about running organizations which we have come to call 'command and control' management thinking. It is, he says, the very thing which has prevented quality getting on the agenda and yet it lurks within something claiming to be a quality standard. ======================================================================== A GUIDED TOUR OF QUALITY WEEK '97... CONFERENCE THEME: "Quality in the Marketplace" Sheraton Palace Hotel 27-30 May 1997 San Francisco, California USA Complete information about QW'97 is available on the WWW at: As the 90's draw to a close we see more and more that software quality issues are among the essential driving forces for selection, use, and world-wide software market expansion. Companies large and small, Government units, in short, everyone, are concerned to make sure that the software products they deliver provide good value and effective use. QW'97 is a multi-threaded conference aimed at all levels of software quality people, from those just beginning new projects, to those with many years experience. People come to Quality Week to get started, to hone their skills, to share results with their colleagues ... a thousand reasons. QW'97 has something for everyone and is something that everyone in the software quality will want to attend. This short writeup, a companion to the printed brochure and the on-line conference description on the WWW <>, gives an informal summary of the entire conference. Note that the QW'97 session numbers are given with each paper; for example, "(TA)" means Tutorial A. HALF-DAY TUTORIALS The conference opens with 10 carefully selected speakers, with topics intended to address the issues of today as well as the issues of tomorrow. Basics of testing are presented by the world-renowned test expert: Boris Beizer (Independent Consultant), "An Overview of Testing (TA)", likely to be, as it has in the past, one of the best general introductions to the software quality area you'll likely discover. In keeping with the growing interest in process oriented approaches to quality there are tutorials by Matthew Cooke (European Software Institute), "Introduction to SPICE (ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment) (TH)" and by William J. Deibler & Bob Bamford (Software Systems Quality Consulting), "Software Engineering Models for Quality: Comparing the SEI Capability Maturity (CMM) to ISO 9001 (TC)". Along the way, software designers need to know the intrinsic value of inspection methods, so we have arranged to bring you: Tom Gilb (Independent Consultant), "Optimizing Software Inspections (TE)". Technically oriented testing is key to good quality software, as illustrated by Robert V. Binder (RBSC Corporation), "Test Automation for Object oriented Systems (TB)". And, continuing the theme of using the best available technology, there is a generalized method described by Michael Deck (Cleanroom Software Engineering, Inc.), "Cleanroom Development: Formal Methods, Judiciously Applied (TJ)". Real-world results have to be taken into account, too. Good specifications beget good software, says Bob Poston (Aonix), "10X Testing: Automating Specification-Based Testing (TG)" and optimized field testing using the concepts of execution profiles that he invented are described by John Musa (Consultant), "Applying Operational Profiles in Testing (TF)". We all know that the Year 2000 problem may be a real watershed for software quality, and this topic is the focus of the tutorial by Nicholas Zvegintzov (Software Management Network), "Testing for Year 2000 (TI)". Finally, judging from the recent activity and concern, in particular the wave of concern brought about by the WWW and the Internet and all of its issues, the legal aspects have to be important to us all. Hence we have a tutorial by Cem Kaner & Brian Lawrence & Tom Arnold (Falk & Nguyen), "Software Quality-Related Law (TD)". KEYNOTE TALKS Special events like QW'97 give us an opportunity to address critical issues, controversial issues and issues that are likely to be important in the future. In view of the interest in ISO-9000 you'll be pleased to know that not everyone believes ISO-9000 to be a panacea. This keynote by John Seddon (Consultant), "In Pursuit of Quality: The Case Against ISO 9000 (1P1)" aims to clarify the ISO-9000 effectiveness question. Software *IS* software and we don't really know enough about it to manage it well. Two keynotes take different looks at the question of where and how should software be evolved: Lawrence Bernstein (National Software Council), "Software Dynamics: Planning for the Next Century (5P1)", and, Dick Hamlet (Portland State University), "Keeping The "Engineering" In Software Engineering (5P2)". We all know that a main concern for us all is the stability and security of the Internet. Two highly respected keynoters describe the problem and suggest ways to gain confidence: Dorothy Denning "Cyberspace Attacks and Countermeasures: How Secure IS the Internet? (1P2)" and, Lori A. Clarke (University of Massachusetts), "Gaining Confidence in Distributed Systems (10P1)". Finally, employing his well-known style of truth-telling, there will be another critical look at the Year 2000 question: Boris Beizer (Independent Consultant), "Y2K Testing: The Truth of the Matter (10P2)". QUICK-START MINI-TUTORIAL TRACK The QuickStart Mini-Tutorials are designed to give the attendee an in- depth look at an important area of software quality, and also to assist in passing on the advice of experienced software quality people to those new in the field. The first two Mini-Tutorials in our QuickStart track focus on how best to organize your activities to get the most results for the least work. Tom Drake (NSA Software Engineering Center), "Managing Software Quality -- How to Avoid Disaster and Achieve Success (2Q)" explains how it's done in a large scale Government laboratory, and, Craig Kaplan (I.Q. Company), "Secrets of Software Quality (9Q)" addresses the issues from the point of view of the smaller programming shop. The key to success in testing is to be sharp, quick, detail oriented ... all attributes that describe the speaker in this tutorial: James Bach (STL), "How to be an Expert Tester (4Q)". The best testing teams are the best managed ones, and Brian Marick (Testing Foundations), "The Test Manager at The Project Status Meeting (6Q)" focuses attention on the role that the test manager plays. As testing technology matures, there is increased emphasis on the use of technical methods of test completeness checking, the topic of Robert M. Schultz (Motorola), "Test Coverage Analysis (7Q)"> Lastly, we have the issue of getting right the first time and making sure that business issues are handled well. For this we have: Tom Gilb (Independent Consultant), "Making Contracts Testable (3Q)". SPECIAL PANEL SESSION Is Java really going to take over the world? Has anyone *NOT* heard that Java is our future common programming language? This panel session, "How Does Java Address Software Quality: A Special Panel Session (8Q)" brings industry experts together in a forum where you'll hear the good news and the bad news, and maybe even some news that is thought provoking as well! TECHNOLOGY TRACK The long term growth of software quality is founded in developing technologies that address current and even future problems. The Technology Track has some 15 papers from around the world that show off the latest thinking from labs and from the field and which gives you a good cross-section of what people are doing today that can lead to exciting results in the future. Real time systems are extremely difficult to test, and these two papers take a good hard look at the issues. Victor Braberman & Martina Marre & Miguel Felder (Universidad de Buenos Aires), "Testing Timing Behaviors of Real Time Software (4T1)" and Joachim Wegener & Matthias Grochtmann (Diamler-Benz AG), "Testing Temporal Correctness of Real-Time Systems by Means of Genetic Algorithms (4T2)" give an additional international perspective to testing these critical types of software. Detailed program analysis is a key technology, and Antonia Bertolino & Martina Marre (IEI-CNR), "A General Path Generation Algorithm for Coverage Testing (2T1)", James R. Lyle & Dolores R. Wallace (National Institute of Standards and Technology), "Using the Unravel Program Slicing Tool to Evaluate High Integrity Software (3T1)" William Howden (University of San Diego), "Partial Statistical Test Coverage and Abstract Testing (7T2)" and Hugh McGuire (University of California, Santa Barbara), "Generating Trace Checkers for Test Oracles (3T2)" look into three types of detailed in-the-source-code analysis. Object oriented approaches have high payoffs, provided that you "do things right". The paper by Daniel Jackson (Carnegie Mellon University), "Automatic Analysis of Object Models (6T2)" examines how best to automated object oriented testing, and the paper by Lee J. White & Khalil Abdullah (Case Western Reserve University), "A Firewall Approach for the Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Software (6T1)" tries out a new concept. Test support systems are often key, as Huey Der-Chu & John E. Dobson (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), "An Integrated Test Environment for Distributed Applications (8T1)" and Dolores R. Wallace & Herbert Hecht (National Institute Of Standards & Technology), "Error Fault and Failure Data Collection and Analysis (7T1)" make clear. A hot new area -- mutation testing is the older name, genetic algorithms is the newer name -- has generated a lot of excitement. Istvan Forgacs & Eva Takacs (Computer and Automation Institute), "Mutation-based regression testing (9T2)", and Marc Roper (Strathclyde University), "Computer Aided Software Testing Using Genetic Algorithms (9T1)" give two different views of what can be expected. A novel approach to code inspection, using machine assistance (the prototype product is called "ASSIST"), is described in the paper by Fraser Macdonald & James Miller (University of Strathclyde Department of Computer Science), "Automated Generic Support for Software Inspection (8T2)" Finally, the world's expert on operation profiles describes practical methods for influencing your testing in a reliability enhancing way: John Musa (Consultant), "Applying Operational Profiles in Software- Reliability-Engineered Testing (2T2)" APPLICATIONS TRACK How modern methods are applied makes a big difference in how successful a software quality enhancement project is going to be. To start with, your approach has to be systematic and thorough. These two papers speak to the question of how to be "more systematic" and "more rigorous": Larry Apfelbaum (Teradyne Software & Systems Test), "Model Based Testing (8A2)", and, Albrecht Zeh & Paul Bininda (Sekas GmbH), "Quality Improvement by Automatic Generation and Management of Test Cases (9A2)". Quality on the WWW is critical these days, and the quality issues affecting, and affected by, all manner of WWW-based systems is becoming increasingly important. The papers by Peter Middleton & Colm Dougan (Queens University Belfast), "Grey Box Testing C++ via the Internet (7A1)", and, Shankar L. Chakrabarti & Harry Robinson (Hewlett Packard Company), "Catching Bugs in the Web: Using the World Wide Web to Detect Software Localization Defects (7A2)", deal specifically with WWW based issues. Meanwhile, taking their cue from other aspects of systematic test automation, the papers by Debrorah MacCallum (Bay Networks), "Test Automation Solutions for Complex Internetworking Products (9A1)", Ram Chillarege (IBM), "Orthogonal Defect Classification (4A2)", and, Taghi Khoshgoftaar (Florida Atlantic University), "Identifying Fault-Prone Modules: A Case Study (4A1)" look in detail into the question of how best to define, track, and contend with software trouble reports (i.e. defects). Quality issues arise in the worlds space programs as well, as the papers by Francesco Piazza (Alenia Spazio), "A Requirement Traceability Application for Space Systems ", and, Jennifer Davis & Daniel Ziskin & Bryan Zhou (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), "The Challenge of Testing Innovative Science Software on a Rapidly Evolving Production Platform (2A1)" make clear. Putting things into practice, sometimes an experience that differs a lot from the expectations, is addressed by two speakers: Otto Vinter (Bruel & Kjaer), "How to Apply Static and Dynamic Analysis in Practice (6A1)", and, Danny R. Faught (Hewlett Packard Company), "Experiences with OS Reliability Testing on the Exemplar System (3A2)". Lastly, how tool environments affect deliverying software quality is addressed by: Joe Maybee (Tektronix Inc.), "Mother2 and MOSS: Automated Test Generation from Real-Time Requirements (6A2)", Rob Oshana (Texas Instruments), "Improving a System Regression Test With a Statistical Approach Implementing Usage Models Developed Using Field Collected Data (8A1)", and, Michael E. Peters (Digital Equipment Corporation), "Managing Test Automation: Reigning in the Chaos of a Multiple Platform Test Environment (3A1)". MANAGEMENT TRACK Process issues are sometimes as important as the product itself -- after all, if the process is good then the product OUGHT to be good too! But process involves more than just complying with a standard. Ana Andres (Eurpoean Software Institute), "ISO-9000 Certification as a Business Driver: The SPICE (4M2)" Marilyn Bush (Xerox Corporation), "What is an SEPG's Role in the CMM? (7M2)" Paul Taylor (Fujitsu Software Corporation), "Workware & ISO 9000 (4M1)" Johanna Rothman (Rothman Consulting Group), "Is your Investment in Quality and Process Improvement Paying Off?? (7M1)" Allied to this is the issue of process measurement, addressed well in the paper by Don O'Neill (Independent Consultant), "National Software Quality Experiment, A Lesson in Measurement (3M2)". Getting the most out of your test group is a key area, too. Here are four papers that give you good tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of your test group: Nick Borelli (Microsoft), "Tuning your Test Group: Some Tips & Tricks (9M1)", Dave Duchesneau (The Boeing Company), "Guerrilla SQA (9M2)", Jerry E. Durant (Certifiable Technologies, Ltd.), "Implementing a Successful Automated Test Tool Selection Process (2M1)", and, Andrew A. Gerb (Space Telescope Science Institute), "Delivering Quality Software in Twenty-Four Hours (6M1)". Many quality engineers have to deal with so-called "legacy systems", and the concepts that apply in this case may be subtly different from those that apply to "new code". The papers by John Hedstrom & Dennis J. Frailey (Texas Instruments), "Mastering the Hidden Cost of Software Rework (2M2)", and, Lech Krzanik & Jouni Simila (CCC Software Professionals Oy), "Incremental Software Process Improvement Under "Smallest Useful Deliverable" (3M1)" take a fresh, forward-looking peek at what really is involved in this critical area. We learn best from experience, and the conference would not be complete without some case studies. The situations presented here give a cross- section of the issues: Brian G. Hermann & Amritt Goel (U.S. Air Force), "Software Maturity Evaluation: Can We Predict When Software Will be Ready for Fielding? (6M2)", G Thomas (Vienna University of Technology), "On Quality Improvement in "Heroic" Projects (8M1)", and, Ian Wells (Hewlett Packard), "Hewlett Packard Fortran 90 compiler project case study (8M2)". REGISTRATION INFORMATION Complete registration with full information about the conference is available on the WWW at <> where you can register on-line. We will be pleased to send you a QW'97 registration package by E-mail, postal mail or FAX on request. Send your E-mail requests to: or FAX or phone your request to SR/Institute at the numbers below. QW'97: 27-30 May 1997, San Francisco, California USA +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Quality Week '97 Registration | Phone: [+1] (415) 550-3020 | | SR/Institute, Inc. | Toll Free: 1-800-942-SOFT | | 901 Minnesota Street | FAX: [+1] (415) 550-3030 | | San Francisco, CA 94107 USA USA | E-Mail: | | | WWW: | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ ======================================================================== Toward a Software Product Assessment: An Attack on the Broader Software Maintenance Problem Alan B. Salisbury, Learning Tree International ABSTRACT: Although a great deal of attention has been focused on assessments, tools, and methods to improve the software development process, software maintenance (where upward of 70 percent of lifecycle costs are typically incurred) has received relatively little attention. This article proposes a Software Product Assessment, loosely modeled after the Software Process Assessment, as a front-end tool to help managers allocate resources targeted at reducing future maintenance costs. It is a well-accepted fact that the majority of the costs of a software system fall into the maintenance portion of the software product lifecycle. Estimates have ranged as high as 80 percent of total lifecycle costs consumed in maintenance, with total annual software maintenance costs in the United States reaching the $30 billion range. Numbers like these merit the attention of managers at all levels, from information systems organizations to chief executive officers, and policy makers in government and industry. In recent years, a great deal of focus and attention has continued to be given to the "software crisis," especially within the government and most particularly within the Department of Defense (DoD). The establishment (by DoD) of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University and (by aerospace and defense industry) the Software Productivity Consortium (SPC) are but two notable examples of actions taken in response to the problem. Both the SEI and the SPC have largely concentrated their efforts, with some significant success, on the development portion of the lifecycle. As the "P" in SPC indicates, much of the effort focuses on productivity to reduce the time (and hence cost) required to develop new software. Related efforts have contributed directly and indirectly to software quality as well. Producing a better product at a lower cost and on a shorter schedule promises to yield tremendous benefit to government and industry alike. Important as they are, these efforts are aimed primarily at improving the software development process, which historically accounts for only 20 percent to 30 percent of the lifecycle costs of a software product. Improvements in development cost, schedule, and quality will not in and of themselves eliminate the software crisis. Not coincidentally, however, it is the development of new systems that captures management's (and critic's) attention in the highly visible world of procurements, budgets, and program management. The Software Maintenance "Bow Wave" and "Stern Wave" While both government and industry continue to develop software applications at a high rate, they are creating a "bow wave" of new systems that, when fielded, will join an already crowded competition for maintenance resources. Moreover, large enterprises, especially those that have been using automated systems for 20 years or more, typically have an enormous "stern wave" of existing systems, the maintenance of which consumes an equally enormous quantity of resources while remaining absolutely critical to the day-to-day functioning of the enterprise. Chief information officers today, whether in industry or government, are under pressure to develop (or acquire) vitally needed new systems to drive the enterprise. At the same time, they must maintain a vast array of "legacy" systems, which are equally vital to the operation and continued existence of the enterprise. This puts even more pressure on what is invariably limited available resources. Year 2000 Complications The so-called year 2000 (Y2K) problem has suddenly rocketed to the top of information technology (IT) management's list of concerns and priorities. The reason for this phenomenon is that this problem threatens to bring many systems (if not entire companies and government organizations) to a screeching halt no later than Jan. 1, 2000 as these systems incorrectly react to "00" date fields. Many systems already are realizing problems as they encounter future dates (such as credit card expirations) not anticipated when the software was originally designed. Such "latent deficiencies" have, in many cases, lain dormant for as many as 30 years or more, depending on the vintage of these legacy systems. Fixes to this problem are generally being addressed on an emergency (if not panic) basis as the magnitude of the problem is being recognized and understood. Estimates of the cost to fix this problem alone are typically in the dollar-plus per line-of-code range, with larger organizations looking at bills in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. It is not hard to find total impact estimates ranging in the tens of billions of dollars nationwide, rivaling the total annual software maintenance figure. Not surprisingly, an entire subindustry of IT solution providers is rapidly emerging, specializing in Y2K solutions. This potentially staggering unforecasted and unfunded bill has resulted in many ongoing projects and "routine" maintenance efforts being swept aside and put on indefinite hold until the Y2K problem is solved and fixes implemented. A typical approach is to review all current systems to determine which should be scrapped and replaced, which should be rewritten from scratch, and which should be "repaired" through a range of reengineering and code- patching alternatives. This highly focused assessment process is not only an essential front end to the Y2K remedy, but also represents a tremendous opportunity as part of a much broader attack on the larger software maintenance problem. The Software Process Assessment Perhaps the most significant accomplishment of the SEI to date has been the development (and increasingly widespread acceptance) of the Software Process Assessment, led by Watts Humphrey [1]. The process assessment is keyed to Humphrey's "Process Maturity Framework," which defines five levels of maturity for software development organizations: Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed, and Optimizing, (Levels 1 through 5, respectively). The process assessment, conducted by a trained team of software professionals, includes the completion of questionnaires regarding representative projects, extensive interviews with software functional representatives, and follow-on discussions with project personnel and management. The final report of a Software Process Assessment identifies where the organization and its process falls on the maturity level framework and provides prioritized recommendations that can serve as the basis for an action plan for improvement. Thus, the Software Process Assessment serves as a superb management tool to not only establish current status of a software development organization, but also provide a foundation for manage- ment planning and resource allocation. About the Author Alan Salisbury is president of Learning Tree International, an independent professional IT training organization. As a major general, he commanded the Army's Information Systems Engineering Command, which included responsibility to develop and maintain all Army-wide management information systems. Since his retirement from the Army, he has also been president of Contel Technology Center, the research and development arm of the former Contel Corp., and chief operating officer of the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp. (MCC), a research and development consortium. He has a master's degree in electrical engineering and holds a doctorate in electrical engineering and computer science, both from Stanford University. Learning Tree International 1831 Michael Faraday Drive Reston, Va 20190 Voice: 703-709-5979 Fax: 703-471-4732 E-mail: WWW: Editors Note: This article originally appeared in CrossTalk, published by the USAF Software Technology Center, Hill AFB, Utah. ======================================================================== TRI-ADA '97 CONFERENCE DATA AVAILABLE The Tri-Ada '97 URL is now available! Check out: The Call for Participation for TA'97 on the street as well. Check out: for a glimpse) David F. Harrison Tri-Ada'97 Conference Chair (618) 624-0852 (R) (618) 624-5140 (FAX) (618) 256-1920 (W) (See also ======================================================================== WWW ITEM ABOUT ARIANE 5 EXPLOSION AVAILABLE Note: This fragment was included in a recent E-mailing of Peter Neumann's excellent RISKS forum and we thought it might be of interest to TTN-Online Readers. Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 11:43:38 +0200 From: "Robert L. Baber"Subject: The Ariane 5 explosion: a software engineer's view... My web page "The Ariane 5 explosion as seen by a software engineer" shows how the software anomaly that caused the destruction of the Ariane 5 and its payload (a DM 1200 million loss) could have been avoided by a simple application of correctness-proof techniques. It also highlights the importance of strict preconditions and the inadequacy of ordinary preconditions for practical applications. Prof. Robert L. Baber, Computer Science Dept, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2050 Wits, South Africa Phone: +27-11-716- 3794 E-mail: ======================================================================== ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ \ ____ ____ // //__ //__ //_// //_ //_// // November 2 - 5, 1997 _//_ ___// ___// // \ //__ ___// // Albuquerque, New Mexico USA ISSRE'97, The 8th Int'l Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering For more information on ISSRE'97, see <> or drop a line to . Note, Metrics97 (see <> will immediately follow ISSRE'97 in the same hotel. ======================================================================== CHALLENGE BY ELLIOT CHIKOFSKY A technical challenge to the software reengineering and reverse engineering community. At the 3rd Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE) last November in Monterey, I proposed a challenge to the reverse engineering and reengineering community: to show what each of our tools and methods can say about one common example. The effort would be an organized project in which everyone capable would demonstrate the results of their own products and research tools, automated or manual. The results would be published as a series of side-by-side papers to enable us to get a good look across the industry at the state-of-the-art, as it can be applied to a selected problem. I am pleased to introduce the Reverse Engineering Demonstration Project: an international cooperative study among commercial and non-commercial research groups and project organizations. All manner of reengineering and reverse engineering methods and tools, both automated and manual, are welcome. The subject software of this demonstration project will be a system of programs used for election tabulation that originated in the 70s and has been enhanced/maintained/etc. across multiple languages and machines, now in C under MSDOS on PC. Why do I call it a "demonstration project"? The goal is to demonstrate what our tools and methods are capable of. This is not intended as a product comparison, and the project will not be publishing comparative analysis nor judgement about approaches against one another. Each tool or method is being applied by its own advocate to the common software example to show the breadth and depth of what can be learned about the subject software. A detailed description of the Reverse Engineering Demonstration Project can be found at: Questions or requests for a copy of the project brochure (same info. as on the web site) should be directed to: I hope that you will consider joining us in this joint project to advance software reengineering and reverse engineering. Please pass word of this project along to others who may be interested in participating. Elliot Chikofsky Burlington, MA, USA 12 March 1997 E-Mail: ======================================================================== COMPASS '97 12th Annual Conference on Computer Assurance June 16-19, 1997 Gaithersburg, MD WEB SITE Sponsored by IEEE National Capital Area IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Society COMPASS (COMPuter ASSurance) is an annual conference held in the Washington, D.C. area with the purpose of bringing together researchers, developers, integrators, and evaluators interested in problems related to specifying, building, and certifying high-assurance systems. What distinguishes COMPASS is its emphasis on bridging the gap between theory and practice. The theme of COMPASS focus discussion on whether the approaches developed and reported during the past twenty-five years have any hope for solving today's assurance problems. In addition to exploring technical strengths and weaknesses in the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice, conference goals include: identifying barriers to applying existing assurance technologies in industry, understanding what properties new technologies must have to meet industrial needs, and identifying advanced technologies that are effective in attacking the key problem areas of safety, security, fault-tolerance, and real-time control. For researchers, COMPASS '97 provides an opportunity to present new theories, techniques, methods, or results of case studies to other researchers and practitioners who can put them to use. COMPASS '97 also provides a unique opportunity for participants to learn from practitioners about issues and problems encountered in constructing practical systems. This mix of cutting-edge research and practical real-world experience is unique among software conferences. ======================================================================== Advance Program 1997 SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE REUSABILITY (SSR'97) Sponsored by ACM SIGSOFT Back Bay Hilton, 40 Dalton Street Boston, Massachussetts, USA -- 17-20 May 1997 URL: Co-Located with the 1997 International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE-97, 18-23 May 1997. The Symposium on Software Reusability is ACM's bi-annual forum, held in conjunction with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), for the exchange of ideas, research and development results and experiences in all aspects of software reusability. SSR'97 invites you to participate in tutorials, keynotes, panels, and all aspects of the technical program. TO REGISTER: Use the ICSE registration form or register on-site at the main ICSE registration desk at the Sheraton (across the street from the Back Bay Hilton Hotel). ----- Keynote Presentations ----- "Theory and practice of adaptive reuse" Dr. Paul Bassett Cap-Netron, Inc. "Patterns, Frameworks, and Components" Dr. Ralph Johnson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ----- TUTORIALS ----- SSR'97 has an outstanding tutorial program running on Saturday, May 17. Tutorial topics include some of the hottest technical and management issues in software development and reusability. SSR`97 Tutorial Offerings Saturday May 17, 1997 Morning Sessions 9:00am-12:30pm Session Number Presenter(s) Title T1 Prem Devanbu and Generative Reuse: A Survey of Tools Bill Frakes and Processes T2 Gregor Kiczales and Designing High-Performance Reusable Chris Maeda Code T3 Carma McClure Extending the Software Process to Include Reuse T4 Barry Keepence and Requirements-driven Software Mike Mannion Reusability Afternoon Sessions 2:00pm - 5:30pm Session Number Presenter(s) Title T5 Don Batory Software system generators, Architectures, and Reuse T6 Joe Hollingsworth Design Dilemmas that impede & Bruce Weide construction of high-quality components T7 Jeff Poulin Software Reuse Metrics, Reusability Metrics, and Economic Models T8 Ernesto Guerrieri Software Reuse with Java ----- Technical Program ----- The technical program consists of paper presentations and panels on current topics in software reusability. Paper sessions include the latest developments in software architecture, domain analysis and engineering, object-oriented reuse, reuse on the Internet, and application generators & program transformation. Technical papers are scheduled in five sessions 18-20 May. These fall on Sunday, Monday, and one joint session with ICSE on Tuesday. The panels provide a chance for lively interaction with experts in the field. The first panel will explore the dynamic area of internet-based reuse in a discussion titled "The Impact of Java on Software Reusability." The second, titled "Reuse R&D: Is it on the Right Track?," will take a look at future directions and discuss where we go from here. The technical program includes: Sunday, 18 May 1997 * Keynote Talk I: "Theory and practice of adaptive reuse" (9:15-10:15 am) * Paper Session 1: Software Architecture, Systemic Reuse & Component-based Systems (10:40-12:20 pm) * Paper Session 2: Domain Analysis and Engineering (1:30 - 3:30 p.m.) * Panel: The Impact of Java on Software Reusability (4:00-5:15 pm) Monday, 19 May 1997 * Keynote Talk II: Patterns, Frameworks and Components (9:00-10:15 am) * Paper Session 3: Object-Oriented Reuse and Reuse on the Internet (10:40 - 12:20 pm) * Paper Session 4: Application Generators & Program Transformation (1:30 - 3:30 pm) * Panel: Reuse R&D: Is it on the Right Track? (4:00-5:15 pm) Tuesday, 20 May 1997 * Software Reuse: Joint Session with ICSE'97 (10:30-12:00 pm) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair Program Chair Guillermo Arango Mehdi T. Harandi Schlumberger WTH Information Tech. University of Illinois 50, Av. Jean Jaures, Bat. H Department of Computer Science 92541 Montrouge Cedex, France 1304 W. Springfield Ave. Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A. Phone +33 (0)1 49 65 59 46 Phone 217-333-4865 Fax +33 (0)1 49 65 59 50 Fax 217-244-6869 Program Committee: Tsuneo Ajisaka (Japan) Don Batory (USA) Sanjay Bhansali (USA) James Bieman (USA) Silvana Castano (Italy) Thiel Chang (Netherlands) Betty Cheng (USA) Reidar Conradi (Norway) Maggie Davis (USA) W.R. Edwards (USA) Harold Gall (Austria) M. Rosario Girardi (Uruguay) Ernesto Guerrieri (USA) Sadahiro Isoda (Japan) Mehdi Jazayeri (Austria) Even-Andre Karlsson (Sweden) Robert Kessler (USA) Rene Kloesch (Austria) Sadie Legard (UK) Ali Mili (Canada) Roland Mittermeir (Austria) Jean-Marc Morel (France) Jeffrey Poulin (USA) Ruben Prieto-Diaz (USA) Guttorm Sindre (Norway) Murali Sitaraman (USA) Joseph Urban (USA) Michael Wasmund (Germany) R. Alan Whitehurst (USA) ======================================================================== EVALUATING TTN-ONLINE: GIVE US YOUR COMMENTS TTN-Online is free and aims to be of service to the larger software quality and testing community. To better our efforts we need YOUR FEEDBACK! Please take a minute and E-mail us your thoughts about TTN-Online? Is there enough technical content? Are there too many or too few paper calls and conference announcements? Is there not enough current-events information? Too much? What changes to TTN-Online would you like to see? We thrive on feedback and appreciate any comments you have. Simply address your remarks by E-mail to "". ======================================================================== CORRECTION: Yes, that's right. We asked for comments about TTN to be E-mailed to "". Well, it should have been "", but be assured we got all of the comments and suggestions. 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