sss ssss rrrrrrrrrrr ssss ss rrrr rrrr sssss s rrrr rrrr ssssss rrrr rrrr ssssssss rrrr rrrr ssssss rrrrrrrrr s ssssss rrrr rrrr ss sssss rrrr rrrr sss sssss rrrr rrrr s sssssss rrrrr rrrrr +===================================================+ +======= Quality Techniques Newsletter =======+ +======= April 2001 =======+ +===================================================+ QUALITY TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER (QTN) is E-mailed monthly to Subscribers worldwide to support the Software Research, Inc. (SR), TestWorks, QualityLabs, and eValid user communities and other interested parties to provide information of general use to the worldwide internet and software quality and testing community. Permission to copy and/or re-distribute is granted, and secondary circulation is encouraged by recipients of QTN provided that the entire document/file is kept intact and this complete copyright notice appears with it in all copies. Information on how to subscribe or unsubscribe is at the end of this issue. (c) Copyright 2003 by Software Research, Inc. ======================================================================== Contents of This Issue o Conference Description: 14th Annual International Internet and Software Quality Wek (QW2001) o eValid Ver. 2.2 New Feature Summary o Prof. Lori Clarke speaks on "Finite State Verification for Software Systems" o Software Is Different, by Boris Beizer (Part 1 of 3) o QWE2001 Call for Participation (November 2001) o David L. Parnas Symposum at ICSE(May 2001) o 6th International RST/Ada Conference (May 2001) o SERG Reports (#392, #393) o QTN Article Submittal, Subscription Information ======================================================================== Conference Description: 14th Annual International Internet & Software Quality Week (QW2001) 29 May 2001 - 1 June 2001 San Francisco, California USA <> CONFERENCE THEME: The Internet Wave The 16-page full-color brochure for the QW2001 conference is available for download from the conference WebSite. To print your own copy go to: <> Conference Description: QW2001 is the 14th in the continuing series of International Internet and Software Quality Week Conferences that focus on advances in internet quality, software test technology, quality control, risk management, software safety, and test automation. There are 14 in-depth tutorials on Tuesday, and 4 Post-Conference workshops on Friday. KEYNOTE TALKS from industry experts include presentations by: > Dr. Dalibor Vrsalovic (Intel Corporation) "Internet Infrastructure: The Shape Of Things To Come" > Mr. Dave Lilly (SiteROCK) "Internet Quality of Service (QoS): The State Of The Practice" > Mr. Thomas Drake (Integrated Computer Concepts, Inc ICCI) "Riding The Wave -- The Future For Software Quality" > Dr. Linda Rosenberg (GSFC NASA) "Independent Verification And Validation Implementation At NASA" > Ms. Lisa Crispin (iFactor-e) "The Need For Speed: Automating Functional Testing In An eXtreme Programming Environment (QW2000 Best Presentation)" > Mr. Ed Kit (SDT Corporation) "Test Automation -- State of the Practice" > Mr. Hans Buwalda (CMG) "The Three "Holy Grails" of Test Development (...adventures of a mortal tester...)" SIX PARALLEL PRESENTATION TRACKS with over 60 presentations: > Internet: Special focus on the critical quality and performance issues that are beginning to dominate the software quality field. > Technology: New software quality technology offerings, with emphasis on Java and WebSite issues. > Management: Software process and management issues, with special emphasis on WebSite production, performance, and quality. > Applications: How-to presentations that help attendees learn useful take-home skills. > QuickStart: Special get-started seminars, taught by world experts, to help you get the most out of QW2001. > Vendor Technical Track: Selected technical presentations from leading vendors. SPECIAL EVENTS: > Birds-Of-A-Feather Sessions (BOFS) [organized for QW2001 by Advisory Board Member Mark Wiley (nCUBE),]. > Special reserved sections for QW2001 attendees to see the SF Giants vs. the Arizona Diamondbacks on Wednesday evening, 30 May 2001 in San Francisco's world-famous downtown Pacific Bell Park. > Nick Borelli (Microsoft) "Ask The Experts" (Panel Session), a session supported by an interactive WebSite to collect the most-asked questions about software quality. Get complete QW2001 information by Email from or go to: <> ======================================================================== eValid Ver. 2.2 New Feature Summary This note summarizes new features in eValid Ver. 2.2. A complete description can be found at: <> * Download Location: You can download the new eValid Ver. 2.2 at these URLs. Your existing eValid Ver. 2.1 keys will work with eValid Ver. 2.2. Download from: DEMO: EVAL/Full: * Revised Menu Structure: The pulldown menu structure has been simplified and consolidated for ease of use. We have added menu access (from the View Script window) to Modal Dialog commands and Extrinsic commands. * New ToolBar Controls: There are new graphic controls for record, play, single-step, pause/resume, and stop available now on the tool bar. eValid looks like a VCR! * Animated Playback: The View Script dialog highlights the current command being executed. * Variable Complexity Download Option: You can choose a range of download characteristics to vary the level of detail. Three levels are available: > FULL Get full, complete, normal download [Default]. > TEXT Get text files only, no images, animations, or sounds. > URL Get only the base URL. * Chart Additions: eValid's charts now also indicate: > Green Line: The average value of all measurements shown on the chart. This normally is your "baseline". > Yellow Line: 25% below the average value. > Red Line: 25% above the average value. * Many New Extrinsic Commands: There are many new extrinsic (edit-in) commands to eValid's command language, including: MatchNotString, OnErrorGoScript, OnAlarmGoScript, SecureDataID, Lock, Unlock. * Supported Platforms. eValid supports the Windows NT/2000/PE/ME family. Some eValid scripts that work perfectly on these platforms may have some problems if you are running Windows 98. Some eValid scripts that work perfectly on these platforms may have severe problems if you are on Windows 95. * Revised Pricing. New pricing that gives users wider choices takes effect very soon. Completion pricing information is available at: <> ======================================================================== University of California, Irvine Distinguished Speaker Series 2000-2001 Prof. Lori Clarke Laboratory for Advanced Software Engineering Research University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Finite State Verification for Software Systems Date: Wednesday, May 2 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Location: McDonnell Douglas Auditorium University of California, Irvine No cost to attend. Email RSVP requested. To: Rick Martin, By: Monday, April 30 Faculty Host: Debra J. Richardson, ICS Chair Abstract: Finite State Verification approaches, such as model checking, have been successfully applied to hardware systems, but generally do not scale to handle the complexity of software systems. This talk will describe FLAVERS, FLow Analysis for VERifying Systems, that has been developed to verify user-specified properties of software systems. FLAVERS handles the complexity of software systems by focusing on events instead of state information and by creating a conservative, but very concise, representation of the system. One of the advantages of FLAVERS is that the system model is created automatically using predefined abstraction techniques. With FLAVERS, users form queries about important properties of their system and either receive assurances that the properties can never be violated by any execution of the system or are shown traces where such violations might occur. We believe that FLAVERS can successfully scale to handle software systems as well as bridge the gulf between the mathematical sophistication required for formal verification and the capabilities and time constraints of practicing software engineers. Our goal is to hide the "formal" in formal verification, yet provide powerful reasoning tools that can deal with complex, distributed systems. About the Speaker: Lori A. Clarke received a B.A. degree in mathematics from the University of Rochester and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado. She joined the Computer Science faculty at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1975 where she has continued to pursue research on a broad range of software engineering issues including verification of distributed systems and distributed object technology. Dr. Clarke is a Fellow of the ACM, a recipient of the University of Massachusetts Chancellor's medal, a member of the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board, the board of directors of the Computing Research Association (CRA), the executive committee of the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT), and the steering committee for the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). She is a former IEEE Distinguished Visitor, ACM National Lecturer, member of the NSF CCR advisory board, recipient of a University Faculty Fellowship, associate editor of ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems and the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and secretary/treasurer, vice-chair, and chair of SIGSOFT. She has served on or chaired numerous program committees as well as served as program co- chair of ICSE 92 and general chair of ICSE 2003. Directions and parking information are available at: <> ======================================================================== Software Is Different (Part 1 of 3) by Boris Beizer Note: This article is taken from a collection of Dr. Boris Beizer's essays "Software Quality Reflections" and is reprinted with permission of the author. We plan to include additional items from this collection in future months. You can contact Dr. Beizer at . 1. The Problem Who will argue that software quality isn't a problem? As software users, we don't get the quality we need and, as software developers, we don't deliver the quality our users want; and if we do, it's at a higher cost and takes longer than our managers and marketeers would have it. Who, if anybody, is to blame? The usual practice has been to blame software designers, implying that if they worked more carefully, then these perennial quality problems would be solved. That may be a popular thing to do, but it won't lead to better software. Blaming programmers has been the prevailing approach for a half century of software development: It hasn't solved the problem yet, so it's time to look in different directions. Quality assurance, as a discipline, is rooted in the manufacturing process. The design of a widget, say, is rarely questioned because most design defects are found before manufacturing begins. The problems, if any, are usually production problems. The core of the differences between software quality and widget (traditional) quality is that traditional quality people often have preconceived notions about the world. Although these assumptions are based on common sense, they don't apply to software. Users make the same common-sense assumptions about software. And, unfortunately, many software developers also accept these misconceptions. The consequence is that users, managers, and we who develop or assure software's quality, have inappropriate expectations for it. 2. The Fundamentally Flawed Assumptions 2.1. General In his classic and, at the time, revolutionary book, Games People Play [BERN64], Eric Berne talks about what he calls "crossed transactions." In each of us, Berne says, there are three persons: a parent, an adult, and a child. Therefore any interaction between two individuals has 81 possible variations if we consider all the hidden agendas. The left figure shows the best kind of open transaction, of adult talking to adult while the right figure shows the worst: what Berne calls a "crossed transaction." In useful transaction, both parties talk to each other, adult-to-adult, without the interfering hidden agendas of either's internal parent or child. In the crossed transaction they talk at each other. The traditional QA type, who I call Mr. Q.A. Widget, says: "Why can't you software types adopt proper methodology and quality assurance methods, such as statistical quality control, in your work?" An adult-to-child transaction. The hidden assumption in Widget's criticism is that software types are ignorant, that they don't know that methodology and quality are important, or that there is such a thing as statistical quality control. The software engineer is no better, because she counters: "You boob! You don't even begin to understand the issues. Your notion of software is something a high-school kid knocks off in Basic in a few hours. And your notions of 'proper' engineering methods don't apply to software!" They're crossed transactions. Conversation must be adult-to-adult in both directions before communication is possible. We must see where each party is coming from as a step in achieving that objective. Widget QA is rooted in traditional engineering disciplines: old, and for civil engineering, ancient traditions. Ancient traditions that work very well, thank you -- for traditional engineering. The underlying assumptions of traditional engineering are part of the fundamental paradigms of Western thought. Software engineers shouldn't blame traditional engineers for unconsciously invoking these paradigms because it takes much effort and brain twisting, as I'm sure most software engineers forget, to get those restrictive ideas out of their head so that they can write good software. Conversely, the software engineers, who have internalized a new set of paradigms, falsely assume that any rational person would understand them. They don't. Most people just don't think digitally. And shouting louder doesn't get the point across any more than shouting louder helps a non-English speaker understand English (or any other language). To communicate, we must expose the fundamental assumptions on each side and contrast them: by understanding the differences we break the crossed transactions and engage in real adult-to-adult communications. That's what this essay is about. 2.2. Physical Constraints Whether or not we are physicists, we have an intuitive understanding of the physical world. Apples, when released fall down, not up. Actions are causally related to consequences. We expect things to behave sensibly. Our intuitive notion of what is "sensible" is based on common-sense experiences learned in childhood, and rooted in the physical world. The software world is neither physical nor constrained by physical laws. It is closer to the psychic world of human behavior than to the physical world. Think of how long it takes to get insights into how people behave: most of us take a lifetime at the attempt and usually don't succeed. The corollary to assuming that software should behave like physical things is the contradictory notion that software is easy to build and easier to change. Here's the syllogistic logic of this unproductive thinking: 1. If software were decent, it would behave like physical systems and obey physical laws. 2. Software doesn't behave like physical things. It isn't even physical. Therefore, it's indecent. 3. Poured concrete and rolled steel (physical things) are hard to change. 4. Software is easy to build. Any high school kid who knows Basic can do it. 5. Therefore, software is easy to change. The hardest things to change in this world are people's heads -- the way they think. Fifty centuries of religious warfare has taught us that. When such thoughts are encapsulated into text, say in the form of programs and documentation, they become even harder to change. Which is tougher to change: a poured concrete foundation that's wrongly sized or the head of the engineer who sized it? You know the answer: you won't change his head until he sees the wrecking ball taking his mistake apart -- and even then you might not succeed. Changing software doesn't merely mean changing a few lines of code. Before that can happen you must change things in a programmer's head. Contemporary software isn't the work of one programmer but of dozens and hundreds: all of their heads must be changed before that code can change. The physical world is easy to change by comparison: an enthusiastic guy with a bulldozer can do that. I hope that in the future we will understand the software world as well as we understand the physical world. Surely there are "laws" that are as binding to software as physical laws are to the physical world. There must be laws that will tell us how immutable our software is at various stages of development just like we can predict the mutability of concrete for any given hour after it's been poured. But we have yet to discover such laws. Most of the differences between software systems and physical systems discussed below devolve from a faulty expectation that software follows the laws of physics. That's the first faulty notion to drop. 2.3. The Principle of Locality 2.3.1. General In the physical world, the consequences of an action or a bug are closely related in time, space, and severity to the cause. I call this "The Principle of Locality." In the software world, the consequences of a bug are arbitrarily related in time, space, and severity to the cause. Simple bugs in simple software often have localized impact; but as the size and complexity of software increases, the locality principle is increasingly violated. 2.3.2. Space Locality Simple bugs obey the principle of locality and are usually found and eliminated by programmers before they start formal testing. The difficult bugs that survive testing and eventually plague users with misbehavior are not like that. If you have a problem with the windshield wipers of your car, you don't expect it to affect the radio. If you can't tune your radio to a station, you don't expect your right- rear tire to blow out. Physical systems have space locality, software does not. The use of constructs such as global data (to meet performance demands) exposes software to the possibility of bugs that don't have space locality. The main reason that programmers encapsulate their programs into subroutines is an attempt to promote locality. Contemporary ideas such as object-oriented programming are also attempts to improve locality1 . Good programmers are, of course, aware of this problem and good programming and testing practices consisting of systematic unit, integration, and then system testing, are in part dictated by the desire to catch bugs in the most local scope possible. To understand software and how it can misbehave, we must change our expectations and accept the fact that THE SYMPTOMS OF A BUG CAN BE MANIFESTED ARBITRARILY FAR AWAY (in terms of functionality, location, etc.) FROM THE CAUSE. To have others (e.g., Q.A. Widget, users) understand software quality, they must understand, and more important, accept this fundamental difference. 2.3.3. Time Locality. We haven't yet seen bugs that travel in time -- although it sometimes seems that way. In the physical world, we expect immediate consequences to bug. That's in keeping with our common-sense notion of causality. The tire blows out causing the car to lurch to the right immediately. Typically, cause and effect are closely related in time. The physical world does surprise us now and then when the consequences of an action are not felt until hours, weeks, or years after the fact. However, this is exceptional, and when it does occur, we usually make a special note of it. In software, the consequences (i.e., the symptoms of a bug) are manifested arbitrarily and unpredictably close or far in time from the cause. In software, this is not the exception, but the rule. While the symptoms of simple bugs are closely located in time to the moment at which the faulty code is executed such bugs usually don't survive to a working product. When the symptoms show up mostly results from the way the user employs the software. Not just the general way, but the specific (and unpredictable) sequence of actions executed by the user. No programmer can anticipate all such scenarios: yet bug-free software demands that they do. Good software development practices require that programmers execute specific tests, such as stress and synchronization tests designed to catch such bugs. They also use automated audit tools to detect if any data or program items have been corrupted as a consequence of running the program -- because it is most often corrupted data and programs that lie in wait like time bombs with uncertain fuses. So we must again change our expectations and accept the idea that THE SYMPTOMS OF A BUG CAN BE MANIFESTED ARBITRARILY LONG AFTER THE EXECUTION OF THE FAULTY CODE. 2.3.4. Consequence Locality and Proportionality We expect justice in the world. "Let the punishment fit the crime," we say. We expect justice in our legal systems when we limit liability to be proportional to damage. Things wear out in the physical world. Knives get gradually dull. It isn't as if the knife cuts perfectly today and tomorrow it can't cut at all. Our tires wear out gradually, so we gradually lose road-handling; not catastrophically and suddenly when the tread depth falls below 4.3mm. The intuitive notion of wear- and-tear applies to the physical world, at least in its simplest aspects. Many physical situations do exhibit disproportionate severity: a threshold is reached and the part no longer functions, resulting in catastrophic failure: but again, these are exceptional. Our notion of the world is analog rather than digital, and in analog systems reactions are generally proportional to action. "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Ever since Newton said it, we've believed it: not just theoretical physicists, but music teachers, taxi drivers, users, children, and even politicians. It isn't true for software. Justice is not proportional in the software world. Individual bugs do not exhibit consequences in proportion to the error: an error in two bytes does not produce symptoms that are twice as severe or that occur twice as often as those produced by an error in one byte. Furthermore, the same bug, depending on circumstances and the specific history of usage, can have consequences ranging from trivial to catastrophic.2 There is also no relation between the severity of the symptom and the effort or lines of code that must be changed to correct the bug. All such proportionalities between bugs and symptoms do not exist for software and, indeed, it is likely that all such proportionalities are theoretically impossible. To make the problem worse, a given bug may exhibit many different symptoms and a given symptom may be caused by many different bugs. There has never been (except for trivial software) and it is likely that there never will be, any consistent way to map causes onto effect or effect onto causes. THE CONSEQUENCES OF A BUG (i.e., the symptoms) ARE ARBITRARILY RELATED TO THE CAUSE. 2.4. Synergistic Bugs. When catastrophes occur in the physical world, we want to find a cause -- that's consistent with our common-sense notions about the world. If there is a design defect in a product, then someone can be found who made an error. If there is a manufacturing defect in a product, then a tool is maladjusted or a person needs retraining. The idea of personal responsibility is one of the first things we learn as infants and learning that is a basic step in our socialization. And if we are personally responsible, it follows that it is possible to fix responsibility (i.e. blame) for all catastrophes. Not so with software. While the simplest unit bugs can be localized to an error in a single routine, good unit tests find them long before the product is fielded. Integration bugs are more insidious and difficult: the bugs that result from unpredictable interactions between otherwise correct components. For them, it is not possible to point to a specific line of code and say "That's where the bug is!" and, therefore "The person who wrote that line is to blame." Most integration bugs are distributed. Not one program location is wrong, but several. Furthermore, it isn't a set of distributed location that is wrong because the individual components are correct. The bug is synergistic. It is manifested only when two or more components are used together. There are no sure ways to test all such combinations, or even to conceive of them. Good testing does require a systematic approach to finding such bugs and most can be eliminated before the software is used: but it is inevitable that some will remain and elude the most careful testing because it is both theoretically and practically impossible to test all possible combinations. Righteous programmers can do their best and bad things will still happen. Recognizing this possibility is a paradigmic shift, especially for users and the legal system -- it is often impossible to blame anyone for a bug.3 (To Be Continued) ======================================================================== Call For Participation: QWE2001 International Internet & Software Quality Week EuropE 2001 (QWE2001) November 12 - 16 2001 Brussels, BELGIUM Conference Theme: Internet NOW! <> QWE2001, the 19th in the continuing series of Quality Week Conferences, is the 5th International Internet & Software Quality Week/Europe Conference. QWE2001 focuses on advances in software test technology, reliability assessment, software quality processes, quality control, risk management, software safety and reliability, and test automation as it applies to client-server applications and WebSites. QWE2001 papers are reviewed and selected by a distinguished International Advisory Board made up of Industry and Academic Experts from Europe and the United States. The Conference is produced by Software Research Institute. The mission of the QWE2001 Conference is to increase awareness of the entire spectrum of methods used to achieve internet & software quality. QWE2001 provides technical education, in addition to opportunities for practical experience exchange within the software development, QA and testing community. QWE2001 OFFERS: The QWE2001 program consists of five days of tutorials, panels, technical papers and workshops that focus on software quality, test automation and new internet technology. QWE2001 provides the Software Testing and Web QA community with: o Real-World Experience from Leading Industry, Academic and Government Technologists. o State-of-the-art Information on Software Quality & Web Quality Methods. o Quality Assurance and Test Involvement in the Development Process. o E-commerce Reliability / Assurance. o Case Studies, Lessons Learned and Success Stories. o Latests Trends and Tools. o Two Days of carefully chosen half-day and full-day Tutorials from Internationally Recognized Experts. o Three-Day Conference with: Technology, Internet, Process, Applications and Vendor Technical Presentations. o Two-Day Vendor Exhibitions and Demonstrations of the latest Tools. o Five Parallel Tracks with over 50 Presentations. QWE2001 IS SOLICITING: o Full-day and half-day Tutorials o Proposals for, or Participation in, Panel Discussions o 45- and 90-minute Presentations on any area of Quality, Testing and Automation, including: E-Commerce Reliability Object Oriented Testing Application of Formal Methods Outsourcing Automated Inspection Methods Process Improvement Software Reliability Studies Productivity and Quality Issues Client / Server Testing Real-Time Software CMM/PMM Process Assessment Test Automation Technology Cost / Schedule Estimation Test Data Generation WebSite Monitoring WebSite Testing Test Documentation Standards Defect Tracking / Monitoring GUI Test Technology Risk Management Test Management Test Planning Methods Integrated Test Environments Test Policies and Standards Quality of Service (QoS) New/Novel Test Methods WebSite Load Generation WebSite Quality Issues IMPORTANT DATES: Abstracts and Proposals Due: 30 June 2001 Notification of Participation: 15 August 2001 Camera Ready Materials Due: 22 September 2001 Final Paper Length: 10-20 pages Powerpoint / View Graphs: Max 15 pages (2 slides/page) SUBMISSION INFORMATION: There are two steps to submitting material for review in QWE2001: 1. Prepare your Abstract as an ASCII file, a MS Word document, in PostScript, or in PDF format. Abstracts should be 1 - 2 pages long, with enough detail to give members of QWE2001's International Advisory Board an understanding of the final paper / presentation, including a rough outline of its contents. Email your submission to: as a MIME attachment. 2. Fill out the Speaker Data Sheet giving some essential facts about you and about your proposed presentation at: <> This information includes: o Author's Name, Title, Organization and contact information o Target Audience Level, Target Track and Basis of Paper o Three bullet/phrases describing the main points of the paper. o Short Abstract of the paper for publication on the WebSite o Brief Biographical sketch of each author (and later a photo of each author). o Lessons to be learned from this presentation. As a backup to e-mail, you can also send material by postal mail to: Ms. Rita Bral, Software Research Institute, 1663 Mission Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA SR/INSTITUTE, 1663 MISSION STREET, STITE 400, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 USA Phone: [+1] (415) 861-2800 FAX: [+1] (415) 861-9801 Email: WebSite: <> ======================================================================== David L. Parnas Symposium Special event at the International Conference on Software Engineering Tuesday May 15, 2001 Toronto, Canada <> This symposium is being held in recognition of Parnas's work and in honor of his 60th birthday. It is an opportunity for everyone in the software engineering community to celebrate his contributions and to think hard about where we are today and where we are going. The symposium program includes: * keynotes by Fred Brooks and Jon Bentley * invited talks by Jo Atlee, Paul Clements, and Jim Waldo * a short presentation by Parnas * a panel on software engineering education Each symposium attendee will receive a copy of the book "Software Fundamentals: Collected Papers" by David L. Parnas, a new book from Addison-Wesley. ======================================================================== 6th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2001 May 14-18, 2001, Leuven, Belgium <> Organized by Ada-Belgium and K.U.Leuven Sponsored by Ada-Europe, in cooperation with ACM SIGAda A 16-page color brochure is available on the conference website. Select "Program" to either download a PDF version or to request a printed copy. Quick overview - Mon 14 & Fri 18: 8 full- or half-day tutorials - Tue 15 - Thu 17: paper & vendor presentation sessions, exhibition Program co-chairs - Dirk Craeynest, Offis nv/sa & K.U.Leuven, Belgium, - Alfred Strohmeier, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, Invited speakers - Building formal requirement models for reliable software Axel van Lamsweerde, Universiti Catholique de Louvain, Belgium - Using Ada in interactive digital television systems Pascal Hiraud, CANAL+ Technologies, France - Testing from formal specifications, a generic approach Marie-Claude Gaudel, Universiti de Paris-Sud, France - Logic versus Magic in critical systems Peter Amey, Praxis Critical Systems, UK - Can Java meet its real-time deadlines? Brian Dobbing, Praxis Critical Systems, UK, co-author Ben Brosgol, ACT, USA Tutorials - Art Duncan: "Non-standard techniques in Ada" (full day) - Peter Amey & Rod Chapman: "Practical experiences of safety-critical Ada technologies" (full day) - Jeff Tian: "Early reliability measurement and improvement" (half day) - Gregory Neven, Maarten Coene & Roel Addriaensens: "An introduction to XML" (half day) - John Harbaugh: "From full concurrency to safe concurrency" (full day) - Samuel Tardieu, Laurent Pautet & Thomas Quinot: "Building distributed systems with Ada" (full day) - Matthew Heaney: "Implementing design patterns in Ada: sequential programming idioms" (half day) - Bruce Lewis & Ed Colbert: "Architecture centred development and evolution of reliable real-time systems" (half day) Papers - 32 papers on Formal Methods, Testing, High-Integrity Systems, Program Analysis, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems, Language and Patterns, Dependable Systems, APIs and Components, Real-Time Kernels, Standard Formats: UML & XML, System Evolution, and Software Process - authors from Australia, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Israel, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA Exhibition - 8 exhibitors already committed: ACT Europe, Aonix, DDC-I, Irvine Compiler, Praxis Critical Systems, Rational Software, TNI-Europe and Top Graph'X, others expressed interest - separate vendor presentation tracks for exhibitors Social evening events - Mon: welcome reception with Belgian beers - Tue: guided tour of historic town hall followed by civic reception - Wed: guided historic walk followed by conference banquet at Faculty Club in Groot Begijnhof - Thu: visit to Stella Artois brewery followed by tasting session Registration - includes copy of full proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) - early registration DISCOUNT up to SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2001 - discount for academia, Ada-Europe and ACM members URLs - conference registration form (small PDF file): - hotel reservation form (small web page): - preliminary program (large PDF file, contains all information and forms): For more info, latest updates, or to get printed brochures, see the conference web site at or contact Dirk Craeynest mailto: Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe'2001 Program Co-Chair ======================================================================== SERG REPORT 392 Modelling Object Oriented Non-Sequential Systems by Coloured Petri Nets By: Lin He Abstract: Object Oriented Coloured Petri Nets (OO-CPN) formalism has been introduced. The formalism is based on Kurt Jensen's Hierarchical Coloured Petri Nets and supports the concepts of object, class and inheritance. SERG REPORT 393 Remarks on Mereology of Direct Products and Relations By: Ryszard Janicki Abstract: The concept of being a "part of" for direct products and relations is analysed. Some operations based on this concept are introduced and analysed. ======================================================================== ------------>>> QTN ARTICLE SUBMITTAL POLICY <<<------------ ======================================================================== QTN is E-mailed around the middle of each month to over 9000 subscribers worldwide. To have your event listed in an upcoming issue E-mail a complete description and full details of your Call for Papers or Call for Participation to . QTN's submittal policy is: o Submission deadlines indicated in "Calls for Papers" should provide at least a 1-month lead time from the QTN issue date. For example, submission deadlines for "Calls for Papers" in the March issue of QTN On-Line should be for April and beyond. o Length of submitted non-calendar items should not exceed 350 lines (about four pages). Longer articles are OK but may be serialized. o Length of submitted calendar items should not exceed 60 lines. o Publication of submitted items is determined by Software Research, Inc., and may be edited for style and content as necessary. DISCLAIMER: Articles and items appearing in QTN represent the opinions of their authors or submitters; QTN disclaims any responsibility for their content. TRADEMARKS: eValid, STW, TestWorks, CAPBAK, SMARTS, EXDIFF, STW/Regression, STW/Coverage, STW/Advisor, TCAT, and the SR logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Software Research, Inc. All other systems are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. ======================================================================== -------->>> QTN SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION <<<-------- ======================================================================== To SUBSCRIBE to QTN, to UNSUBSCRIBE a current subscription, to CHANGE an address (an UNSUBSCRIBE and a SUBSCRIBE combined) please use the convenient Subscribe/Unsubscribe facility at: <>. As a backup you may send Email direct to as follows: TO SUBSCRIBE: Include this phrase in the body of your message: subscribe TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Include this phrase in the body of your message: unsubscribe Please, when using either method to subscribe or unsubscribe, type the exactly and completely. Requests to unsubscribe that do not match an email address on the subscriber list are ignored. QUALITY TECHNIQUES NEWSLETTER Software Research, Inc. 1663 Mission Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (415) 861-2801 Toll Free: +1 (800) 942-SOFT (USA Only) FAX: +1 (415) 861-9801 Email: eteb: <>